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Nature and Nurture What life experiences have caused you to be the person you are are becoming want to be We Progress in 4 stages 1 Sensor and Motor Birth Age 2 1 Use of 5 senses 2 Pre Operational Age 2 7 1 Attach human feelings to inanimate objects I love spaghetti The moon is really beautiful 3 Concrete Operational Age 7 11 1 Take rules of others 2 Feels like everything is black and white 4 Formal Operational Adolescence Forever 1 Thinking for self making life decisions Everything around you influences these 4 stages Role taking stepping outside yourself and imagining how others outsiders view it s appearance and behavior When a child recognizes himself in a mirror he has taken on the ability to take roles The key to role taking is self awareness Ability to role take is a 3 stage learning process 1 Preparatory Birth just under 2 1 Everything you do is a mimic or imitation 2 Do things without understanding meaning 2 Play Age 2 7 1 Recognize behavior patterns 2 Incorporate into play 3 Pretend to be significant others 4 Learn to see the world from a viewpoint other than their own 3 Game age 7 Forever 1 Learn to follow established rules 2 Simultaneously take on roles of all participants 3 Adapt behavior to what is acceptable 4 See how position fits in relation to all other positions Life is a social game A sense of self depends on your ability to understand and convey meaning through significant symbols including gestures Ex Clapping to show approval Also depends on ability to use self refrent terms to describe oneself Cooley s Looking Glass Self The way we see ourselves is often the mirror of what we believe others see us as Ex We think of ourselves as funny because people laugh at what we say Self consciousness is an awakening in ourselves of the attitudes we arise in others People acquire a sense of self when they can Role take Understand meaning of significant symbols Use self referent terms Resocialization her identity process Interactive process when the effected party reconstructs his or Significant others play an important role in the resocialization Voluntary resocialization people choose to take part on a process that remakes them Imposed resocialization when people are forced into a process that trains rehabilitates or corrects something about them Total institutions settings where people are isolated from the rest of society to undergo systematic resocialization Life Event Model Considers facts such as age time in history affect life transitions Also consider things such as Prior life experiences Temporal orientation idea of self Normative Nonnormative transitions whether a transition is expected not expected based on the persons age race sex social class etc Agents of Socialization Significant people groups and institutions that act to shape our sense of self and social identity to help us realize our human capacities and to teach us to negotiate within the world we live From family to teachers from religion to mass media there are numerous agents of socialization Others may be documentaries sports teams sororities etc Primary groups Social group members share an identity have face to face contact and feel strong emotions for each other Family Military Unit Peer groups Secondary Groups Mass Media Forms of communication designed to reach large audiences without direct face to face contact between those creating conveying messages and those receiving them May insight fear convey events in a certain way take political stances subscribe to a camp Television Social media Internet and other technology Social Networking Theory Functionalist Perspective Social networking sites contribute to the overall order and stability of society Manifest functions allow us to keep in contact with Latent functions allow us to find people who we lost Manifest dysfunctions people can present themselves friends contact with as someone else Latent dysfunction information posted may be viewable to those who were not intended to see it Seeks to identify advantaged and disadvantaged groups and describe the ways in which advantaged groups promote and protect their interest Ask who ultimately control these websites Who benefits from this arrangements and to who s disadvantage Conflict Perspective Symbolic Interaction Perspective focuses on self awareness symbols and negotiated order Social networking serves as a mirror giving users the chance to be noticed by others and to receive feedback immediate

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GSU SOCI 1101 - Nature and Nurture

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