African American Male Female Relationships Midterm Study Guide p 1 of 2 pages African American Male Female Relationships AAS 4030 SOC 4311 MIDTERM EXAM Study Guide Spring 2014 You should be able to define identity and apply the concepts outlined under each topic below The exam will cover required readings and anything that was discussed in class The exam for the most part will consist of but may not be limited to multiple choice matching true false questions and will be on D2L Theoretical Frameworks Culture Knox and Schacht Chp 1 Frameworks Theories for approaching the study of relationships marriage and families be able to apply the categories of choices Social Exchange framework views interaction and choices in terms of cost and profit Theoretical Framework a set of interrelated principles designed to explain a particular phenomenon Utilitarism individuals rationally weigh the rewards and costs associated with behavioral choices Family life course developments framework the stages and process of how families change over time Structure function framework emphasizes how marriage and family contribute to society Feral Children wild domesticated children thought to have been raised by animals Conflict framework the view that individuals in relationships compete for valuable resources Symbolic Interaction Framework views marriages and families as a symbolic worlds in which the various members give meaning to each other behaviors Family Systems framework views each member of the family as a part of a system and the family as a unit that develops norms of interaction Feminist Framework views marriage and family as contexts of inequality and oppression for women Sobonfu Some 1 Know the underlying purpose thesis of each chapter Chapter 1 spoke about the old ways and how things used to be done Chapter 2 disscuss how important the spirit is in every aspect of a relationship Chapter 3 embrace of the community 2 be able to identify and apply principles and examples in each chapter that Some gives to support her main purpose thesis For example what she means by the spirit of intimacy the spirit connects them as one To make a relationship work you have to be connected on a spiritual levels and each chapter song of spirit embrace of community community is there to help you through tough times and be there for you Wade Nobles definition of culture Lenski Lenski Socio Cultural Evolution Diop Two Cradle Theory other theories concepts e g CAIDS Front yard back yard framework What Maulana Karenga proposes etc Gender Knox Schacht Gender definitions African American Male Female Relationships Midterm Study Guide p 2 of 2 pages Sex the biological distinction between males and females Gender social construct which refers to the social and psychological characteristics Intersexed individuals those with mixed or ambiguous genitals Socialization the process through which we learn attitudes values belief and behaviors appropriate to the social positions we occupy Gender Idenity the psychological state of viewing oneself as a girl or boy and later as a women or man Transgender a generic term for a person of one biological sex who displays charactertics of the other sex Cross dresser individuals who dress or present themselves in the gender of the other sex Transsexual an individual with the biological and anatomical sex of one gender for example male but the self concept of the other sex that Is female Gender roles social norms which specify that socially appropriate behavior for females and males in a society Sex roles roles defined by bilogival constrains and can be enacted by memebers of one biological sex only for example wet nurse sperm donor child bearer Gender role relationships between men and women in a society Biosocial theory also referred to as sociobiology social behavior are biologically based and have an evolutuionary survival function Parental Investment any investment by a parent that increases the offsprings chance of surving thus increasing reproductive success Occupational Sex Segregation the concentration of women and men in different occupations Feminization of poverty the idea that women particually single mothers0 disproportionately experience poverty Sexism an attitude action or instutional structure that suborinates or discriminates agains individuals or groups because of their biological sex Benevolent sexism the belief that women are innocent creatures who should be protected and supported Female genital alteration cutting of the clitoris or excising the labia minora Theories on gender development Biosocial behavior is due to evolutionary survival Parent investment what investment a parent puts into a child determine an offspring chances to survive investment consist of time and money Social learning emphasis the roles of reward and punishment in explaining how a child learns gender role behavior Identification Freud Suggest that children acquire the character tics and behaviors of their same sex parent through a process of identification Girls identify with their mother and boys identify with their fathers Cognitive development reflects a blend of biological and social learning views The biological reediness of a child influences how the child responds to gender cues in their environment Negative and positive consequences of traditional gender socialization Males Shorter life by five years Happier Marriage Negative Consequences Identify tied to work role Limited emotionally Fear of intimacy more lonely Disadvantage of getting custody Females Negative Consequences Less income more dependent Feminization of poverty Higher STD HIV infection risk Negative body image Less personal martial satisfaction African American Male Female Relationships Midterm Study Guide p 3 of 2 pages Positive Consequences Higher income and occupational status More positive self concept Less Job Discrimination Freedom of movement more partners to select from more normative to initiate relationships Positive Consequences Longer life five years Stronger relationship focus Keep relationships on track Bonding with children Identify not tied to jobs Dixon Chapman Differential rearing practices of mothers African American for sons and daughters Raising children alone is a difficult task It is almost like black women are in a no win situation If raise they children are blamed for being too strong Although they are doing their best are blamed for negative results Our families are the way they are out of necessity
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