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Media Power and Culture Television 2 main sources Cable and Broadcasting ABC NBC FOX CBS CW Diff between FOX and other networks offered programming about African American families Offers 1 show in America America Idol prime hours 8 10pm FOX has surpassed CNN in audience In Living Color show featured African American family called the Waynes Atrracts 18 49 yr olds more than any other show on TV The Walking Dead Cable was created to bring signals to areas that did not normally have them like mountainous areas Two types of cable Basic Cable what you get without paying extra 1940 s only about 1 had TV Most important show to come from radio My favorite Husband starring Lucille Ball Turned into I Love Lucy Strip Programming When a show is on at a certain time everyday jeapordy Gilmore girls soap operas 1960s More than 90 of all americans had a TV set The Fifties Many early shows came from radio Shows shifted from single sponsorship to multiple sponsors Quiz show scandals TV drama included anthology and episode series Situation domestic comedy Lucy TV comedy Your Show of Shows TV show top rated last week NCIS ABC s highest rated show Modern Family Top 10 composed mostly of cbs and fox shows Highest rated TV network CBS Univision more viewers than CW Syndication Seinfield sold into syndication in 1998 for 1 7 billion Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David made 267 million and 242 million respectively Goal of network shows is to tape or film a minimum of 100 episodes to sell into syndication Neilsen Media Research People Meter an electronic box used by Nielsen media research that records which TV shows are on in 15 000 American homes Audience actually watching a particular show One rating point represents one million viewers Share is based on all the TV sets that are actually watching the show at a particular time Sweeps Months Febuary May July and November Rating Point The percentage of the total potential tv audience actually watching the show One point equals one mil Viewers 1976 Movies released on home video 1997 Titanic becomes most expensive film and biggest money maker in the history of film 1999 Blair WirchProject shows small budget film can be successful 2004 Micheal Moores Fahrenheit 911 shows documentary can be big in box office 2004 Jesus big in box office with Mel Gibsons The Passion Of The Christ 2005 Gays big at the box office ex Brookeback Mountain Power of the Studio System By the late 1910s the movie industry established its three basic economic divisions Production Distribution cONTROLLING dISTRIBUTION Block Booking Studios forced theaters to show marginal films in the order to get the biggies Controlling exhibition Producers and studios owned first run theaters CLASSIC HOLLYWOOD CINEMA Narrative the story what happens to whom Genre drama science fiction horror musical Author the director The major companies Warner bros paramount 20thcentury fox Universal disney Independents United Artists dreamworks Miramax lions gate Star power paycheck based on ability

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KSU JMC 20001 - Media Power and Culture

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