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Analyzing Images 04 11 2013 New Orleans post Hurricane Katrina images Images communicate something to people even when they cannot experience it personally Do the images on the left make you feel sympathetic They tug on heart strings Pictures make people feel like it could happen to them There are no faces no labels on highways those could be any faces any roads Photos are authentic Make viewer believe the reality Photos are visual proof Expressions on people s faces tell more than anyone can describe Finnegan PRODUCTION OF AN IMAGE You want to know how images are made What type of image is it Cartoon photo drawing Who produced the image COMPOSITION Description interpretation of the visual grammar of images What the image actually looks like You are studying the image itself REPRODUCTION Where was it published What context did it show up CIRUCLATION Where was it first published Where did it appear again How did it get passed around What medium did it use to get circulated Did it go viral RECEPTION How audiences treated them What did audiences do when they saw them Did they like it reproduce it shun it Composition 253 255 of Finnegan article Content what is depicted Major minor objects Gaze notice who is looking at who in the image Color Lighting Spatial where are things placed in the photo Strategic Create a sense of logic distortion balance and imbalance using tecniques above McKeldin Image When describing content notice absence of people Symmetry to photo Mckeldin is central Green lawn Trees particularly bare at top not a lot of leaves Benches Steps Water in the fountain Lighting is equal across the whole photo Overcast day photo only lit by natural light Brick building white pops off the brick Water in the fountain shines not blue but glossy Mckeldin s bricks are a very deep red The use of space o Fountain is centered o Trees balance the fountain o Stairs even o No clips of the library on either side o Photo is linear o You look at the photo from the bottom up with the flow of the fountain up to McKeldin o Fountain Mckeldin are in juxtaposition Fountain long way mckeldin wide way 04 11 2013 04 11 2013

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UMD COMM 401 - Analyzing Images

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