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Detecting Syntactical Patterns 02 19 2013 Quiz some of the questions 1 Which part of speech does an adjective modify NOUN 2 Which of the following is not a common subordinate conjunction AND Grammar Lesson In class Examples o Ex I eat cheese Subject pronoun I Verb eat Direct object noun common noun cheese Noun person place or thing o Pronoun takes the place of a noun Ex He she I o Collective noun signifies a group of something Ex Team flock squad o Abstract noun something you cant count something intangible Ex Truth justice peace hatred evil vice o Common noun Ex Beach tree o Proper noun refer to specific places or specific people Ex Obama Star Wars Verb action o Transitive verb demands an object o Intransitive verb can stand on its own Ex Sat cried died o Finite verb conjugated to do the work of the sentence Ex The kids caught the jumping frogs Finite verb caught what the subject is actually doing what s actually happening in the sentence The article kinds subject noun caught verb the article jumping adjective frogs noun o Nonfinite verb verb is not actually doing the action in the sentence May see nonfinite verbs in 3 different forms 1 Gerund functions as a noun usually but not always has an ing on it ex I like swimming o When a verb gets turned into a noun it s a gerund 2 Infinitive usually has the word to in front of it ex To jump to eat 3 Participle functions as an adjective Ex In The kids caught the jumping frogs jumping is the participle o When a verb gets turned into an adjective it s a participle o Verb tense past present future indicates time o Back to example Let s complicate the sentence Ex I like to eat cheese I like to eat cheese vigorously Added an adverb vigorously I like to eat cheese vigorously in the morning Added prepositional phrase in the morning I like to eat cheddar cheese vigorously in the morning Added an adjective cheddar I like to eat cheese and drink wine Added an infinitive to eat Added a conjunction and Added an infinitive drink Added a noun wine I like subject and verb o like goes with to eat and like goes with to drink wine I eat cheese and I brush my teeth Added a coordinating conjunction and o and is a coordinating conjunction because we have two independent subjects and two independent verbs 2 clauses in a sentence a clause has to have a subject and a verb ever sentence has at least one clause because every complete sentence has at least one subject and one o 2 independent clauses I eat cheese and I brush my teeth which compound sentence 2 independent clauses linked together by a o Simple sentence 1 clause o Compound sentence 2 independent clauses o Complex 1 independent clause and 1 or more dependent clause o Compound complex sentence 2 independent clause and 1 verb could stand alone coordinate conjunction Sentence types dependent clause Clause o Ex The kids caught the jumping frogs One clause simple clause o Independent clause signified by a coordinating conjunction Ex Of coordinating conjunctions And but or so yet Coordinating conjunctions separate out independent clauses o Dependent clause signified by a subordinate conjunction Ex of subordinate conjunctions When while if because since although whereas Ex The kids caught the jumping frogs while they were at the apartment How do we know this sentence has two clauses Two subjects and two verbs o kids caught o they were they pronoun o Ex The kids caught the jumping frogs while they were at the park Complex sentence because complex sentence one independent clause one dependent clause Independent clause the kids caught the jumping frogs Dependent clause while they were at the park o Ex The lady in pink is going to work after she changes clothes Subject lady Verb going Subordinating conjunction after Subject she Verb changes complex sentence Prepositions o Ex Around above outside in between under This example shows independent plus dependent clauses making this a Detecting Syntactical Patterns 02 19 2013 Elements of Criticism Description Interpretation Evaluation o What does it look like What is it made of o What is its function What does it do o How well does it do its job Descriptive Issues among Syntactical Patterns Noun Style Verb Style Noun Style to be verbs Verb Style Active Verbs o is was be are were am have often excessive prepositions subordinated action dull monotonous repetitive interpretive claims faster pace featured action Aysyndeton Polysyntedon Asyndeton Polysyndeton Few connectors Many connectors Parataxis Hypotaxis Parataxis syntactic democracy o another way of saying at the basic grammar level everything has equal weight in the sentence NO ranking in the syntactical structure of sentences Ex I came I saw I conquered no ranking no part of the sentence happened as a result of the other Hypotaxis Ranking Creates ranking through the syntactical structure of sentences Ex Because I came I saw and I conquered 3 clauses 2 types of clauses independent and dependent Identifying hypotaxis and parataxis Identify types of sentences be able to find categorize the clauses independent versus dependent find conjunctions subordinate or coordinate to find clauses find subjects finite verbs Landham p 34 parataxis discover why Landham p 42 hypotaxis 02 19 2013

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UMD COMM 401 - Detecting Syntactical Patterns

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