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COMM 401 Exam 2 Wednesday May 15 10 30am This exam is worth 15 of your grade Its format will be similar to the first exam mostly identifications and short answer and short essay questions This exam is comprehensive you should review all the material from the first exam plus the material covered since terms you should be able to define these terms and where appropriate provide an example or recognize them in an example that I provide in the case of an example I provide you should be able to describe and interpret the patterns you identify rhetoric discourse the available means of persuasion discourse that persuades the audience rhetorical criticism analysis of the rhetoric discourse and the public means of persuasion describe what is it made of What does it look like interpret what does it do What emotions does it provoke evaluate how well does it do it Is it good bad likeable rhetorical situation including all the vocabulary used to describe it exigencies constraints and resources audience persuasive field etc the context where people events objects the parts of speech nouns verbs etc be able to define them and recognize them in sentences types of sentences simple compound complex compound complex conjunctions help to define type of sentence noun style to be verbs and verb style active faster paced hypotaxis ranking and parataxis no ranking subordinate conjunctions only for hypo para asyndeton and polysyndeton asyndenton polsyndenton conjunctions connectors small scale stylistic patterns e g metaphor simile parallelism alliteration chiasmus anadiplosis anaphora epitrophe synechdoche etc Aristotle s modes of proof ethos logos pathos Toulmin s model of argument claim data warrant types of claims fact value policy types of evidence example testimony statistic types of warrants inductive deductive stock topics of policy argument see Jazinsky reading on policy argument Lyndon Johnson We Shall Overcome Ill Blame Cure Consequences rational world paradigm vs narrative paradigm narratives and all their parts narrative probability how well the narrative comes together internally Does it make sense that the conclusion is the way it is given how the characters have been narrative fidelity compare narratives of some rhetorical situation to another if its like something else that exists images especially composition content color light spatial perspective music rhythmic structure melodic structure harmonic structure phrasing and instrumentation be able to recognize Star Spangled Banner name a line as either ascending or descending case studies you should be familiar with all of the texts we have studied in class including their rhetorical situations major arguments and rhetorical strategies Anita Hill s 1991 rhetorical situation Robert F Kennedy s 1968 rhetorical situation Hillary Clinton s 1995 rhetorical situation Bill Clinton s 1992 American Legion speech Mary Fisher Whisper of AIDS John F Kennedy Inaugural Address Richard Nixon My side of the story George W Bush President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat Bill Clinton speech to the American Legion Lyndon B Johnson We shall overcome Barack Obama Presidential Announcement Address Birmingham image Viral images We are the World music videos Flash Mobs at OSU and Antwerp Train Station Proposition 8 The Musical

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UMD COMM 401 - Exam 2

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