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Obama Pres Candidacy Speech 04 16 2013 Exigencies Setting Springfield Illinois Capital of Illinois Lincoln started his political field in this same exact city resource capital grounds where he gave the speech were PACKED people came from all over to hear his speech resource it was freezing cold constraint o Problems w the Republican party blame on Bush administration War in Iraq o EVERYBODY knew Hillary Clinton was running o Already 2 very prominent democrats in the race H C other Persuasive Field Resources Constraints guy Rhetor Resources Constraints o 1st Af American president supporters o Young for President o Only first term senator o Would be 1st Af American president Hero admirable a good guy a leader someone that saves people must do something extraordinary Plot Community organizer goes to law school civil rights lawyer comes to understand the law Early Small Climax announcement that he is running for President Shape Identity points out his modest background makes him relatable to the audience perseverance overcome obstacles defeat challenges Shape Time History condenses time makes many historical things seem similar Shape Community He emphasizes the importance of community by saying that it is most important for all people to come together in order for America to progress p 26 Politics doesn t have to divide us on this anymore we can work together to keep our country safe ultimate victory against our enemies will only come by rebuilding our alliances and exporting those ideals that bring hope and opportunity to millions of people around the globe EVALUATIVE PROMPTS Narrative Probability internal credibility choherence Narrative Fidelity external credibility coherence o Bottom of 5th page by ourselves this change will not happen 04 16 2013 04 16 2013 04 16 2013

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UMD COMM 401 - Obama Pres. Candidacy Speech

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