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Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Systems Theory Bronfenbrenner s theory that human development is shaped by five interrelated systems in the social environment All five systems are impacting the individual sex age health Microsystem immediate environment Parents siblings peers teachers coaches Mesosystem Interconnections between the various micosystems Ex child experiencing abusive treatment from parents may make him have problems with teachers Exosystem societal institutions that have indirect but important influences on development Schools religious institutions media Ex South Korea there is a national exam that determines who gets into college and causes extreme academic stress Macrosystem broad system of cultural beliefs and values and economic and governmental systems that are built on those beliefs Ex Iran s cultural beliefs and therefore government based on Islam Chronosystem changes that occur in developmental circumstances over time with respect to individual development and historical changes Ex Losing a job at 15 is different than losing job at 45 Genotype vs Phenotype Genotype Phenotype o Unique genetic inheritance o Specific for each individual except monozygotic twins o Dominant and recessive genes o Actual characteristics derived from your genotype o This is what is seen or observed Theory of genotype environment effects Three forms of genotype environment effects o Passive genotype environment effects Parts are providing genes and environment to their kids and they are passively absorbing it o Evocative genotype environment effects Kids evoke responses from people in their environment o Active genotype environment effects Kids seek out environments that correspond to their genotype aka nitche picking Which development states does each occur Passive childhood Evocative childhood through adulthood Active more prevalent in young adulthood when you are able to make more decisions about the people you are around and where you go Examples o Passive refers to the association between the genotype a child inherits from her parents and the environment in which the child is raised o Evocative gene environment correlation happens when an individual s heritable behavior evokes an environmental response o Active gene environment correlation occurs when an individual possesses a heritable propensity to select environmental exposure i e individuals who are characteristically extroverted may seek out very different social environments than those who are shy and withdrawn Piaget s Theory of cognitive Development Schemes competitive structure for processing organizing and interpreting information Assimilation new information altered to fit existing Accommodation Takes place when child changes existing ways of thinking understanding or behaving in response to encounters with new stimuli or events Earliest Stage of Cognitive Growth o Stage 1 Sensorimotor Period o Six substages o Individual differences in rate o Order is invariant o Substage 1 Simple Reflexes First month of life Various inborn reflexes Determine nature of infant s interactions with world At the same time some of reflexes begin to accommodate the infant s experiences o Substage 2 First Habits and Primary Circular Reactions 1 to 4 months of age Beginning of coordination of what were separate actions into single Activities that engage baby s interests are repeated simply for sake of integrated activities continuing to experience it Primary circular reaction infant s repetition of interesting or enjoyable actions on his or her own body Start to integrate sequence activities ex might grasp an object while chewing on it At first when infant first sucks thumb its by accident a mere chance event But later on after he learns that this feels good and repeatedly does so it s a primary circular reaction o Substage 3 4 to 8 months of age Child begins to explore the outside world Infants now seek to repeat enjoyable events in their environments that are produced through chance activities secondary circular reactions Secondary circular reactions Major difference between primary circular reactions and secondary circular reactions is whether the infant s activity is focused on infant and his or her own body primary circular reactions or involves actions relating to the world outside secondary circular reactions o Substage 4 Coordination of secondary circular reactions 8 months to 12 months Beginning of goal directed behavior Several schemes are combined and coordinated to generate single act to solve problems Object permanence realization that people and objects exist even when they cannot be seen Theres a purpose to their behavior not just doing it for the sake of doing it ex push one toy out of the way to get the other toy Object permanence people and objects exist even when they cannot be seen Simple but IMPORTANT developmental milestone o Substage 5 Tertiary Circular Reactions Development of schemes regarding deliberate variation of actions that bring desirable consequences Rather than just repeating the actions as seen in secondary circular reaction carries out miniature experiments to observe consequences o Substage 6 Beginnings of Though Capacity for mental representation or symbolic thought 18 months to 2 years Mental representation internal image of a past event or object Ability to pretend through deferred imitation a person who is no longer present is imitated later To Piaget deferred imitation provided clear evidence that children form Erikson s psychosocial theory internal mental representations Focuses on social and cultural environment and not sexuality Continued throughout the lifespan and not limited to first six years as Freud Table 1 2 Erikson s eight stages of psychosocial development Scientific Method 5 steps o Identify a question idea theory theoretical o Forming a hypothesis possible answer to a research question o Choose a research method or design the way the hypothesis is investigated o Collect data sample reflects population o Draw conclusion based on theoretical foundation confirm or disconfirm elaborate Infertility inability to get pregnant after one year of regular sex 3 stages of birth o Labor o Delivery o Placenta umbilical cord expulsion o Cultural variation on birth beliefs and practices o Handling and meaning if placenta o Midwives o Duties help with prenatal care delivery process o Various ways to become a midwife Apgar scale o Appearance only get 2 if entire body is pink o Pulse heart rate o Grimace

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UMD EDHD 320 - Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory

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