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EDHD 320 Exam 3 study guide Spring 2012 Following are the instructions taken directly from this exam Selected response 20 points 1 point per question Select the correct or best answer from the following options and mark your choice on the corresponding answer sheet If you find any of the following questions ambiguous i e you cannot find a correct or best answer you may opt to not answer the question and instead write a short essay that answers the question If you demonstrate an accurate understanding you will earn full credit If not you will have passed up your chance to guess the right answer Place a star next to the question number on your answer sheet to indicate that you have chosen this option and write your essay next to the question or on the back of the page Matching 20 points 1 point per question Using the associated word bank for each set of questions match the appropriate term with each statement Terms may be used more than once and not all terms will be used Please write the term in the blank provided If you don t think the correct term is included in the word bank write the term that you think is correct and provide a short explanation If you demonstrate an accurate understanding you will earn full credit Essay 10 points Answer one of the following two questions in the space provided use the back if necessary Be sure to answer all parts of the question You may use bullet points or graphics as part of your response if that will help you to make your point but make sure that you provide enough explanation so that I do not have to guess what you mean 1 EDHD 320 Exam 3 study guide In addition to questions in the reading guide the following are some questions and terms to focus on while preparing for the exam I Self Identity development How do each of the three theories of personality we discussed Erikson s psychosocial theory trait theory social cognitive theory describe personality identity and explain the development of personality identity across the lifespan Erikson s Psychosocial Theory continuing to grow and develop throughout life worked under Freud social and identity conflicts 8 stages need to resolve one well in order to resolve the next one well the first of each stage is positive Trait theory Major theoretical areas in the study of personality suggests that individual personalities are composed broad dispositions Big Five OCEAN Openness to experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Social Cognitive Theory Albert Bandura the view that people learn by observing each other children learn masculine or feminine identities preferences and behaviors through two processes Differential reinforcement children are rewarded for sex appropriate behaviors and are punished for behaviors considered more appropriate for members of the other sex Observational learning children adopt the attitudes and behaviors of same sex models If given one of Erikson s stages be able to reason through the approximate age of the stage and what the positive outcome would be Trust vs Mistrust birth 1year Hope Autonomy vs shame doubt 1 3 Will Initiative vs guilt 3 6 Purpose Industry vs inferiority 6 12 Competence Identity vs role confusion 12 20 Fidelity Intimacy vs isolation 20 40 Love Generativity vs stagnation 40 65 Care Integrity vs despair 65 years Wisdom What is the difference between self concept and self esteem Self concept Who am I What am I like Mostly descriptors an idea of the self constructed from the beliefs one holds about oneself and the responses of others Self esteem evaluation of worth confidence in one s own worth or abilities self respect 2 How does self concept change across the lifespan Be able to provide examples Move from physical descriptors to psychological ones increased complexity sensitivity to nuances and accuracy 2 3 months begin to understand that you can cause things and affect the world around you Later half of first year start to understand you are a separate being from your peers Begin to understand that you fit certain social categories boy girl Identify with yourself in the mirror Pre school period start to use personal pronouns and form an identity Tend to overestimate skills Self concept is physical and concrete Describe behaviors and physical traits not psychological ones Childhood around age 8 children start to shift from physical to psychological and social descriptions of self Formation of a multidimensional hierarchical organized self concept Use social comparisons Adolescents self descriptions become more psychological and less concrete and more abstract More self aware More differentiated self concept More specific Overall From early childhood to adulthood a person s self concept moves from physical descriptions to psychological ones Also increased complexity sensitivity to nuances and accuracy Preschool Period Self concept Physical Concrete Behaviors not psychological traits Tendency to overestimate their skills Can identify race and gender Some qualifiers I like I m good at Middle Childhood Self concept Include psychological characteristics and personality traits in addition to physical Include social categories Use social comparison Adolescence Self concept Even more psychological and abstract More specific More self aware and tendency to be critical Differentiate own from others view How does self esteem change across the lifespan Preschool Period Self esteem Tends to be high General evaluations of o Physical and cognitive competence o Social acceptance 3 Middle Childhood Self esteem Global self esteem and differentiated evaluations o Academics o Social athletics o Physical appearance Adolescence Self esteem Decrease in early adolescence Overall increase throughout adolescence Adulthood Self esteem Gradual increase from adolescence to end of middle adulthood More realistic perception of ideal self What dimensions does Marcia use to specify an individual s identity status Resolved crisis and commitment Experience crisis Diffusion foreclosure moratorium identity achievement ideal 4 statuses foreclosure means identity has been decided without exploration usually because of outside influence Diffusion means they really do not care that much and have not thought about defining their identity yet Moratorium means that they are in midst of crisis and have not made firm commitments Achievement means that they went through the crisis and made commitments after exploration Terms Self concept Who am I What am I like Mostly

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