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04 11 2012 Parts Of Your Paper Part 1 Developmental research Part 2 Description of art piece and how it reflects development Part 3 Connections and conclusions Organization Part 1 Part 2 Part 1 Part 2 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Organization Evidence citations cite cite Avoid plagiarism Self and Personality Personality Theories o Erikson s Psychosocial Theory Continuing to grow and develop throughout life Worked under Freud Social and identity conflicts 8 stages need to resolve one well in order to resolve the next one well The first of each stage is the positive one o Trait Theory o Social Cognitive Learning Theory Alternate Measures of Personality The Big 5 Brief Measure Openness to experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism o Opposite of emotional stability OCEAN Marcia s Identity Statuses Resolved crisis And Commitment No Yes Diffusion Foreclosure 04 11 2012 Moratorium Identity achievement ideal Social Cognitive Learning Theory Answer the Big 5 measure again this time answer how you would see yourself if you were at a job interview How you see yourself opposed to how researchers see you This changes over time Self Concept and Self Esteem Self Concept Who am I What am I like Mostly descriptors Self Esteem Evaluation of worth Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale Infancy Self Awareness 2 3 months o Begin to understand that they can cause things 18 months o Begin to understand that they fit certain social categories e g boy girl and see self as different than others who do not fit those categories The Rouge Test Self Recognition Can understand to see themself in the mirror at about 18 months Overall Changes in Self Concept Early Childhood to Adulthood Move from physical descriptors to psychological ones Increased complexity sensitivity to nuances and accuracy Preschool Period Self concept Physical Concrete Behaviors not psychological traits Some qualifiers I like I m good at Tendency to overestimate their skills Can identify race and gender Preschool Period Self esteem Tends to be high General evaluations of o Physical and cognitive competence o Social acceptance Middle Childhood Self concept Include psychological characteristics and personality traits in addition to physical Include social categories Use social comparison Middle Childhood Self esteem Global self esteem and differentiated evaluations o Academics o Social athletics o Physical appearance Tends to be stable Adolescence Self concept Even more psychological and abstract More specific More self aware and tendency to be critical Differentiate own from others view Adolescence Self esteem Decrease in early adolescence Overall increase throughout adolescence How does this relate to now Adulthood Self esteem Gradual increase from adolescence to end of middle adulthood More realistic perception of ideal self Gender Identity and Stereotype Development Overarching Topics o Gender Identity Am I a boy A girl Both Neither o Gender norms What toys do boys play with How do girls dress o Acceptability of norm violations Is it ok for boys to look like girls Beginning of Gender Identity How old are children when they can begin to correctly identify themselves as a boy or a girl Weinraub 26 months 31 months 36 months Do Children Prefer to Play with Gender Norm Toys Boys are better at spatial girls are better at verbal By 26 months o Boys were more likely to play with cement mixer and car o Girls more likely to play with doll feeding set bib o Equally likely to play with dump truck and tool set Understanding Gender Norms How old are children when they can begin to correctly identify the gender of other children and adults Weinraub o 26 months 31 months 36 months How old are children when they can begin to correctly identify whether tasks and object are more commonly associated with each gender Weinraub o 26 months 31 months 36 months 04 11 2012 Blakemore 2003 Study Knowledge of norms o At 3 years old High knowledge of gender qualities attributes like hair and dressing Low knowledge of activities o 5th graders High knowledge of all norms Flexibility o At 3 years old o 5th graders Almost all violations possible Inverse U Acceptable to break norms Playfulness and some toys acceptable to violate Cannot violate appearance and Barbies GI Joes o Decrease belief that it is fine to break norms o Boys more harshly evaluated on appearance and appearance o Girls more harshly evaluated on actions and football Changes in Flexibility Being able to break the norm 4 6 years old Rigid beliefs 7 10 years old More flexible stereotypes not written in stone Adolescence More rigid again and intolerant of variations Attachment and Social Relationships Infancy and Childhood 04 11 2012 What is attachment Strong bond in terms of o Affect o Behavior Seek close proximity especially under stress Show preference for that individual Way of adapting to parenting practices Internal working model schema Strange situation Major Tenants of Attachment Theory Biological predisposition Critical period for forming attachment prior to around age 2 Attachment based on environmental and biological characteristics Attachments serve as a secure base We form expectations about future relationships based on early attachment 4 Attachment Styles 60 secure 40 insecure Secure Secure 40 o Upset when their parent leaves but can be comforted again when parent comes back this separation anxiety is normal o Interact explore with their environment again shortly after o Not particularly needy kids o You are my rock with you I feel safe and loved o I miss you when you re gone but I know you ll be back and we ll be happy again o More stable relationship and longer o More satisfied o Trust respect and more accepting and supportive Anxious Ambivalent Resistant Insecure 15 o Trouble when being comforted o Wants to be close to mom clingy o Inconsistent parenting o I want you love but how o When I m with you I m worried you ll leave o When you re gone I m worried you might not return o Obsession o Extreme highs and lows o Desire for reciprocated feelings o Desire for we Avoidant Insecure 15 o Try to distance themselves upset mad when parent tries to return o Upset when parent left o Not as good at exploring o I don t need your love I need you to stay back I m doing fine on my own o Avoid intimacy o Highs and lows Disorganized Insecure o I m hot and I m cold I m yes and I m no o I want your comfort but you make me afraid I don t have anyone to turn to Influences Opportunity in critical

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UMD EDHD 320 - Parts Of Your Paper

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