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AMST Lecture Notes 02 25 2013 Methodology Research questions o How do stereotypes around food relate to stereotypes of identity and difference o What is the material and historical basis for stereotypes of o Archival analysis reconstructs the history of the market and identity and difference Methods food availability o Material culture to their categories of o Purity and impurity Societal Values conveys meaning Deciphering a Meal Anthropological Perspective Society projects onto the animal kingdom values which correspond o Foodways constitute an organized system a language that Belasco to be Food identifies who we are where we came from and who we want Highly Condensed Social Fact It has weight but it weighs us down o Food scarcity and anxiety o Colonization for natural resources Food as private and bodily versus public and philosophical Divorce eating from the land Food specialist vs Food generalist Food as a system o Sociocultural o Economics o History convenience MISSING FROM BELASCO Food choice is a negotiation between identity responsibility and o Food is as much what we don t eat as what we choose to eat o Consumption is not always about hunger nutrition or convenience o Food serves a social function o Cultural identities traditions and rules can be seen through food Taking Food Public Production Performance Consumption Intersectional and Global food system Race class gender and sexuality within a global and industrialized POWER is uneven in this system Representation of food activism Food can be trendy so organic and farm to table food is very popular right now A lot of stereotypes that come with food 02 25 2013 02 25 2013

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UMD AMST 289A - Methodology

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