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Lecture Notes Review 02 13 2013 Class financial and cultural capital o Normative project ones value in relation to capitalist hierarchies Race culturally specific classification of bodies based on phenotype o Normative project proximity to privilege and premature death Intersectionality co construction of multiple dimensions of identity and difference Goods Spaces and Places The Built Environment Goods spaces and places o Material culture o Human geography Place physical environments and their tangible features Space ideas associations and attachments placed on and created by physical environments Built environment dialectical relationship between people and the places spaces they inhabit o Georg Simmel key author in urban studies one of the first to investigate lived environments and their effect on people as opposed to vice versa The cultural durability of certain truths about metropolitan life The relationship of cities of capital Capital resources related to wealth and profit making Gentrification higher income residents displace lower income residents in ways that change the space o Production side and consumption side processes Production capital investment and urban processes of value power Consumption classed subjects and their spending o Racialization and the unsolved history of racism Racialization normative project definition disposable History of racism industrial labor has depended on labor racial segregation o Suburbanization the decentralization of processes of capital No technical definition of suburbs Suburbanization is tied to American exceptionalism American exceptionalism the durable discourse of America as the chose land that does not abide by the same rules as other countries Suburbs represent the American Dream The spatial manifestation of the good life Structured by classed and racial exclusions while supporting gender and sexual norms o Two prominent related processes of the lived environment taking place in post WWII United States Suburbs 4 Lloyd 523 Methodology Richard Lloyd Research questions o What are the processes related to Wickers Park s gentrification o What are the macrolevel processes causing gentrification Methods o Ethnography site observations and interviews QUIZ Argumentative claim thesis statement Evidence Analysis of the larger cultural processes Argument as to why recognizing this is important Interpretation of evidence Culture Community and Class o Culture becomes a commodity o Claim the construction of community discourses in gentrification and suburbanization appear to be a claim to belonging outside of power but instead these discourses shape life according the demands of class and capital o Lloyd neobohemia and imperialist nostalgia 529 The unstated impact is on those whose history and community these artists have themselves displaced o Low fortress mentality 462 symbolic power of the moral terrain of middle class life Walls represent the appearance of determining what gets in and what does not o In both cases we see the negative reaction of power there are those who are displaced or forcibly kep out We also see the positive technology of power displacers constantly have to prove their usefulness to capitalist accumulation and circulation o These processes lead to a politics of worthiness where the consequence of unworthiness is not having a home 02 13 2013 02 13 2013

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