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Flag Wars Notes 02 11 2013 LGBT flag waving on the house being sold African American and gay communities seem to be competing for land and property in a historical neighborhood Chief Baba had carved his name above his door but was asked to take it down so he started a petition to keep his name and address Gay white homebuyers are moving into a historically black working Class and sexual orientation play a large role in this conflict The new homebuyers are trying to renovate the currently run down class neighborhood houses The current residents feel that the new people coming in are doing whatever they want with no regard to tradition Current residents are being forced to move out because they can no longer afford the property taxes in Olde Town East The protestors at the gay rally are adamant in letting their opinions be known via signs and t shirts Zoning laws and other compliances are not always being met but the current residents Chief Baba helps Linda redirect her water so that she come in compliance with her zoning laws The downtown does have living quarters for the poor other than homeless shelters people are being moved out instead of helping them get proper housing Its always about money Chief Baba s sign was Afro centric as opposed to Euro centric They have a free right to occupy Chief Baba s friend Some residents don t want to have white people in their There s no fair way to go about this otherwise everyone will be neighborhoods excluded Confederate Flag alongside the Ku Klux Klan Chief Baba agrees with the rights of individuals even though he doesn t necessarily share their views You cant move in without displacing other individuals After displacing the individuals they end up in other places in which they may not be wanted in some cases Linda wants to renovate her cars but clearly does not have the resources to do so A lot of muggings were taking place in Olde Town The perpetrators are targeting the new residents because they see money coming into the neighborhood and they have the The renovated house could potentially go for 200 000 value of opportunity to take it hard work and location Chief Baba s house is considered a private museum Before it was an African American neighborhood it was a Jewish and German neighborhood Realtor wanted Linda s house so she brought a suit against her All identity markers happen simulataneously and with gentrification they are always happening 02 11 2013 02 11 2013

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UMD AMST 289A - Flag Wars Notes

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