Chapter 3 States of Consciousness Some questions to consider Why do we dream Several theories Can babies dream Yes Even more than adults Can we make a hypnotized person do whatever we want NO How does alcohol influence behavior Lowers inhibition Can someone walk thru fire without buring theur feet yes in certain trance like states How long can humans stay awake 11 days Consciousness Freud 3 levels of consciousness conscious level active thinking tip of the iceberg unconscious buried thoughts that we don t want to think about preconscious can be accessed How we tap into our unconscious EEG brain waves physiological index of consciousness monitors brains neural activity EEG brain waves normal cps longer waves normal waking thought alert problem solving beta waves alpha meditation deep relaxation theta delta light sleep deep sleep Circadian rhythm 24 hr biological cycle Cycles in o Blood pressure o Urine production o Hormonal secretions o Alertness and short term memory
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