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Short lecture If we have time watch a film tying together the brain sensation perception and consciousness Some questions to consider Why do we dream Can babies dream Can we make a hypnotized person do How does alcohol influence behavior Can anyone walk through fire without burning anything their feet How long can humans stay awake Why do we dream Several theories Can babies dream Yes Even more than adults Can we make a hypnotized person do anything No May be more suggestive Won t do something you wouldn t do while awake How does alcohol influence behavior Lowers inhibitions Can anyone walk through fire without burning their feet Yes in certain trance like states How long can humans stay awake About 11 days World record set by teenager for science fair experiment How aware of what s going on around and inside us are we Consciousness includes awareness of External events Internal sensations Sense of self Own thoughts about experiences Levels of awareness Not all or nothing Different levels of awareness conscious unconscious How can we tap into things we aren t aware of William James stream of consciousness Sigmund Freud dream symbolism Attempts to change consciousness hypnosis meditation drugs 3 levels of consciousness conscious active thinking preconscious can be accessed unconscious below the radar Some truth we only attend to some things Freud was kind of a sex obsessed nut job though How can we tap into consciousness The Electroencephalograph EEG Physiological index of consciousness Monitors brain electrical activity EEG brain waves Smaller cps longer waves Beta 13 24 cps Normal waking thought alert problem solving Alpha 8 12 Deep relaxation meditation Theta 4 7 Light sleep Delta less than 4 Deep sleep How many of you tend to wake up go to sleep at similar times each day excluding weekends This is our 24 hour biological cycle Cycles in blood pressure urine production digestion hormonal secretions Alertness and short term memory etc Bedtimes Natural clock is about 24 2 hours per day Ever pulled an all nighter or two in a row How did you feel afterwards We can change our rhythm Late nights early mornings Jet lag Tends to be easier to make days longer than shorter E W better than W E Shiftwork ever switched from day to graveyard Taking melatonin exposure to light and more consistent schedules can help Stage 1 brief transitional 1 7 minutes alpha theta slowing down hypnic jerks brief muscle twitches Mild hallucinations possible alien abduction Stage 2 mixed activity 10 25 minutes sleep spindles brief bursts of high freq brain waves Stages 3 4 slow wave sleep 30 minutes More Delta waves groggy if woken up Stage 5 REM rapid eye movements EEG similar to awake vivid dreaming virtual muscle paralysis first a few minutes then longer Paradoxical sleep internally arouse body calm Is sleeping like a baby really that different Yep Babies sleep more 2 3 of their days More REM Do different cultures sleep differently Yep Defines standards for Who we share a bed with Do we nap US and sleep deprivation time is money I mean besides the fact that dreams are cool Necessary to survival animals do it time varies Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis 2 Hypothesis 3 Conserves energy during part or most of day Hiding away to sleep especially in dark keeps away from danger Restore energy and other bodily resources Most support for 3 brain body repairs itself BUT sleep makes us vulnerable Some animals switch brain hemispheres Truth to the phrase sleep with one eye open Who needs sleep well you re never gonna get it Barenaked Ladies who needs sleep great song for this chapter Who has pulled all nighter to study for an exam the next day How did you do Did you crash How many of you would say you get enough sleep each night Complete deprivation 3 or 4 days max We can handle partial deprivation or restriction BUT it Impairs attention and decision making Slows reaction time Makes us less coordination DANGER accidents Chernobyl Exxon Valdez Cost estimates in US 56 billion to US economy 52 million work days lost 24k deaths per year Sleep Movie Machinist Hallucination Memory loss Physical deterioration Work hazards Insomnia wake early can t fall asleep or stay asleep Frequency estimates 34 35 of US adults 15 17 severe Causes emotional Physical Generally emotional Treatment Sedatives Behavioral Melatonin Narcolepsy falling asleep uncontrollably very few suffer regularly 0 05 of pop Animals too http www youtube com watch v X0h2nleWTwI Sleep Apnea stop breathing gasp for air 2 women 4 men 30 60 Dangerous lead to death of braincells or even death Nightmares frighteningly real dreams physical arousal 10 adults more children Night terrors high arousal appearance of terror Occur at stage 4 rather than REM Most common children 3 to 8 Somnambulism sleepwalking Not really acting out dreams usually find way back to bed In dreams we can do anything but what are they mental experiences during sleep Hard to study rely on reports Content usually familiar Common themes being chased failure embarrassment sex May be extreme or boring Waking life spillover day residue current struggles or things you don t want to think about May involve external experiences from the day Freud Doing things we want to do but can t Manifest content vs latent content sex sexsexsex violence sex No real support for this one Cognitive problem solving view Allows us to deal with issues outside of logical confines Evidence Better Creative insights after sleep than before Ah hah insight sleep on it Activation synthesis Random firing of neurons lower part of brain in REM Brain s exploration and masturbation Cerebrum makes sense of it What do you think How might you study this Anyone ever been hypnotized Originated in 1830s France Franz Mesmer would perform tricks mesmerize Even used as anesthetic by surgeons chemical anesthetics less popular Freud treatment for mental illness Still commonly used recovered memories We ll talk later make up more than we recover Has gone in and out of fashion over time Currently very controversial We can increase suggestibility individual differences Effects produced through hypnosis Pain reduction anesthesia Sensory distortions and hallucinations Disinhibition Posthypnotic doing things later amnesia forgetting Are hypnotized people acting how they re expected or are there real changes What do you think http www youtube com watch v 4nX3HkZYVIc We can train ourselves to gain control Meditation training attention to heighten awareness bring

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