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1 QUICK NOTE For next THURSDAY Wrong pages for Motivation and Emotion 339 342 basic needs 357 372 sex and need to belong 375 397 Emotion 2 Exercise Write 1 10 on a piece of scratch paper Write 1 10 on a piece of scratch paper 2 minutes to judge words start in right column 2 minutes to judge words start in right column First three words Middle four words Last four words First three words Do you like the font the word is written in Middle four words Does the word have a pleasant sound Last four words Would a 5 year old know the word Just answer Just answer YesYes or for each word or NoNo for each word 3 Judge the words Laughter Nationalism Salutation Candle Bumble bee Jupiter Justice Laboratory Covenant Highway 4 What is memory Hang on to those sheets We ve mentioned it before in the abstract MEMORY hanging on to info over time Two processes storage retrieval Learning useless without it Prone to error as we ll see later Near unending storage capacity Make us who we are But can be flawed 5 Exercise Let s start by performing our own memory task Write down the names of the 7 Dwarfs Write ALL responses in order they come to you Incorrect answers just as important as correct ones 6 The Seven Dwarfs Was that tricky Did you ever know the full list Growing up the story was important The names less so Might a distraction have hindered your ability to Process the names Store the names Retrieve the names 7 The Seven Dwarfs Was that tricky Tip of the tongue phenomenon Is anyone close stuck on one Know first letter syllables meaning etc Memory involves a few processes We may know it encoded processed but it does not mean we can access it retrieve 8 The Seven Dwarfs Getting back to the example Organization Pattern of responses generated Often by first letter sound or meaning Can t remember Could you recognize 9 The Seven Dwarfs Write the correct ones down Grouchy Wheezy Fearful Sleepy Smiley Jumpy Hopeful Shy Droopy Dopey Sniffy Happy Sneezy Lazy Pop Grumpy Bashful Shorty Nifty Doc Stubby 10 The Seven Dwarfs How did we do this time Why is recognition easier Recall two steps Coming up with possibilities Identifying correct ones Recognition ONLY the second step Why multiple choice fill in blank 11 The Seven Dwarfs In order of easy recall Sleepy Dopey Grumpy Sneezy Happy Doc Bashful 12 The Seven Dwarfs Things to consider second times a charm Short vs Long Term memory First time Drag out of Long Term Second time Pull from Short Term How would you do if I asked you again 13 Memory Olympics Some like Kim Peek real rainman have amazing memories 10 events over 2 days Include Memorize shuffled packs of cards in an hour A single pack in 1 minute Random digits in 5 minutes Random digits in an hour Binary digits in half an hour List of words in 15 minutes Poem in 15 minutes Names and faces in 15 minutes Fictional historic future dates in 5 minutes 14 Memory Olympics Record single deck of cards 31 seconds Random digits in an hour 1949 Historic future dates 80 in 5 minutes Binary numbers 3705 in 30 minutes Names and faces 170 in 15 minutes Even extraordinary memory follows the same 3 steps 15 3 Steps of Memory 3 Steps of Memory Think of a computer Encoding Encoding Forming a Memory Forming a Memory Storage Storage Keeping Maintaining info over time Keeping Maintaining info over time Retrieval Retrieval Recovering information from memory Recovering information from memory 16 1 Encoding 1 Encoding We ve talked about some elements We ve talked about some elements When do we encode info When do we encode info need to be aware consciousness need to be aware Limited ATTENTION ATTENTION narrow range of awareness narrow range of awareness Flashlight Flashlight consciousness Limited Remember change blindness Remember change blindness Dividing your attention BAD Dividing your attention BAD Tough to add new info Tough to add new info While excluding other info While excluding other info 17 Levels of Processing Levels of Processing Do memories differ in duration Do memories differ in duration Levels of processing theory Levels of processing theory YES YES Process Process DEEPLY DEEPLY Longer lifespan Longer lifespan Let s test that Let s test that 18 Pop Quiz Pop Quiz judgments of words task Let s revisit the first Exercise judgments of words task Let s revisit the first Exercise How many of the words do you remember How many of the words do you remember Write down as many as possible in 1 minute Write down as many as possible in 1 minute in no particular order in no particular order 19 Original list Laughter Nationalism Salutation Candle Bumble bee Jupiter Justice Laboratory Covenant Highway 20 Levels of Processing Levels of Processing How did you do How did you do Different tasks Different tasks Judging fonts Judging fonts structural encoding structural encoding Judging sounds Judging sounds phonemic encoding phonemic encoding Judging meaning Judging meaning semantic encoding semantic encoding group than others Meaning group than others Meaning Shallow Processing Intermediate Processing Deep Processing 21 2121 Improve Encoding Improve Encoding We can Elaborate We can Elaborate Link the concept to others Link the concept to others Coming up with examples to illustrate Coming up with examples to illustrate connected remembered connected remembered Purpose of clips examples more links Purpose of clips examples more links Ex One New Thought Projects link to your own Ex One New Thought Projects link to your own experiences experiences Best Chance of Recall Best Chance of Recall 22 Improve Encoding Improve Encoding I draw pictures of difficult concepts I draw pictures of difficult concepts Image concept Visual Imagery Image concept Visual Imagery Concrete easier Concrete easier Can form picture Can form picture Ideas harder Ideas harder Ex Airplane vs Truth Ex Airplane vs Truth Do a google image search Do a google image search truth mostly pictures with the word truth mostly pictures with the word 23 2323 Visual Imagery Visual Imagery Back to our exercise Back to our exercise which words did you remember which words did you remember Bumblebee Highway Candle No Nationalism Laboratory Justice 24 2424 3 Steps of Memory 3 Steps of Memory Think of a computer Encoding Encoding Forming a Memory Forming a Memory Storage Storage Keeping Maintaining info over time Keeping Maintaining info over time Retrieval Retrieval Recovering information from memory Recovering information from memory 25 2 Storage 2 Storage How do we store How do

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Rutgers PSYCHOLOGY 101 - Memory

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