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1 Mixtape due next class Should submit to SAKAI by 5pm Will be covering perceptual processes and VISUAL SYSTEM in class Spend time on illusions most visual for Know basics of other systems for MIDTERM teaching hah hah Especially hearing 2 We take so much for granted What if we couldn t make sense of well our senses The world would be a chaotic confusing place 3 4 Sensation stimulation of sense organs Pure incoming information Perception selection organization and interpretation of sensory input What how we process Ex brain damaged patient described object as A convoluted multicolored form with a brown linear attachment 5 A convoluted multicolored form with a brown linear attachment 6 7 How do we move from one to another SENSATION Stimulus energy Neural Impulses Getting what s out there in here Purple is not inherently Purple it s how we experience it 8 2 Different Types Bottom up details whole picture sensory receptors brain low level individual elements whole E g eyes nose mouth face 9 Bottom Up Letter A is really a blotch broken down into features by the brain that we perceive as an A 10 2 Different Types Top down experience gives meaning stored knowledge alters our perception Recognition E g my face Or my friend s 11 Top Down T E C T Our expectations make that 3 line figure both an H and an A 12 Top Down We miss the repeated the 13 We see a face in the rocks The Forest Has Eyes 14 Top Down We see 13 or a B 1515 2 Different Types To recap Bottom up simple elements whole Eyes nose mouth a face Top down experience affects meaning Recognizing a particular face as yours or a friend s 16 List all the things you are experiencing right now 17 List all the things you are experiencing right now What kinds of things did we list Me standing up here Your desk chair The dimming light The snoring from your neighbor What did we leave out Your shoes clothes against skin The color of the room What everyone else is wearing The hum of the air conditioning 18 Could you detect A baby crying in the next apartment building probably A candle s flame on a mountain top 30 miles away in the darkness Yup A bee s wing falling on our cheek Likely The x rays acting on us right now I think no Who s paranoid now What are we missing 19 So much information so little braining How do we handle the constant stimulation We ignore the unimportant stuff Evolution survival sensing change Absolute Threshold minimum stimulation needed to detect a stimulus 50 of the time Note detection awareness Some things are sensed but not perceived 20 So we can tell what s there how do we tell what s different Difference Thresholds tell when a stimuli changes The minimum difference between two stimuli required for detection 50 of the time Just noticeable difference jnd Differs depending on the stimuli sound touch etc 21 What is changing in these pictures http nivea psycho univ paris5 fr Slow 20changes 20bis intro html note you need shockwave to play these at home If it s slow or subtle we may not see it Change Blindness Why PhotoHunt is fun 22 http www youtube com watch v VkrrVozZR2c 23 So we tune out a lot of stuff do we still perceive any of it Cocktail party effect single convo out of noise Subliminal sensations Below threshold for conscious awareness We still pick up on it though We can feel more than we re aware of knowing Subliminal advertising 24 http www youtube com watch v 2NPKxhfFQMs http www sutherlandsurvey com Column pages subliminal advertising html 25 Notice Anything 26 27 28 Not Just the Little Mermaid http www youtube com watch v 1QYYOuQGEp0 Many of these disappeared on recent DVD releases 29 We ve been told they re out there Do they actually influence us time to break out the aluminum hats Brief effects on mood But we don t really act on it 30 Read the following words and answer quickly F O L K P O K E S O A K C R O A K What do we call the white of an egg Yolk White 31 Again read the words then answer the question S L O P S L O P S L O P S L O P What do we do at a green light Stop Go 32 One more time S I L K S I L K S I L K S I L K What does a cow drink Milk Water 33 Activating associations in memory Memory web of associations Activating a prime recall of related material Bargh example priming elderly stereotypes walk slowly Speed PRIME 34 How do we use it in research flashed word or image fractions of second Show masking stimuli ask to judge it How do you feel about X Generally positive associations with positive primes Masking stimuli doesn t matter we feel things we don t know we know 35 If you had to give up one sense what would it be Taste Touch Smell Vision Hearing If you could keep ONLY ONE sense what would it be Most give up Taste keep vision 36 Our culture loooooooves sight vision truth and goodness Examples Good students bright Good answers illuminating The eyes are the window to the soul I have seen the light I was in the dark about I once was blind but now I see As anyone can see Research vision other senses if you look at of studies We will primarily cover vision 37 Stimulus Input Light Energy 38 Muscles to Move the Eye Muscles to Adjust the Lens Iris Pupil Cornea Lens Fovea Optic Disc Optic Nerve Retina 39 How does our eye collect light signals Retina contains millions of light sensitive receptors If you can tell this slide is purple you re using your visual receptors daylight vision color vision Acuity sharpness precise detail Fovea a tiny spot in the center of the retina that contains only cones Best able to see detail in this spot 40 How does our eye collect light signals Retina contains millions of light sensitive receptors Ever walked to the bathroom in the dark at night How could you see where you were going visual receptors night vision peripheral vision More concentrated in the periphery 41 How do our cones actually work Trichromatic Theory of Color Vision Young von Helmholtz 3 receptor types take in specific wavelengths Red Green Blue These are the Light Primaries Think about your TV it uses the same 3 colors but we see tons of others color mixing varying the ratio of neural activity from 3 types of receptors Evidence light of any color can be matched by combo of red green and HOW blue 42 Why do we suspect this theory is true Color blindness Affects ability to see differences between colors Usually can see 2 or 1 colors not 3 It s genetic mainly in males sex type trait Other animals …

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Rutgers PSYCHOLOGY 101 - Sensation

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