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Motivation vigor and persistence of goal directed behavior helps move us towards our goal Evolutionary Theory motivation plays a significant role in adaptation social need to affiliate share resources provide protection procreation Biological Human Needs Motivations Homeostasis Tendency for the body person to want to maintain a state of constancy Normal body temperature is 98 6 if you get too cold your body shivers if too hot body will sweat Energy is necessary for maintenance and growth Search for a Hunger Food balanced diet Hypothalamus fullness Body is hard wired to want need vitamins or protein and fruit primary structure of the brain which signals hunger and satiation Lateral near side turns hunger on Stimulation yields increased eating A lesion or damage can cause starvation Lesion on the lateral become lean Ventromedial lower middle is the hunger off Stimulation stops eating Lesion or damage can cause voracious eating Fat rat Lesioning caused rat to triple its weight Various Factors Which Impact Eating Behaviors Biological Factors Genetics influence metabolism Bodily Sensations growl distension Chemical Signals to the body Genetic Mapping of obesity genes Over 200 Weight related genes identified Social Factors Environmental influences on eating behaviors Complex and multiply determined Eat more in groups Only so much there so I need to get my share Expectation and Memory of Meals Did study with patients with amnesia who often ate a 3rd lunch if offered to them non amnesia patients refused the other lunches Palatability Often we eat only to enjoy the taste sensations Social Interactions Lets go out to dinner We eat for social reasons to celebrate Psychological Factors Thinking about food and what it means Food reminds me of love my grandparents Learned food habits preferences Often what we are exposed to is what we become comfortable with society has learned that after a meal you get dessert Memories associated with food Belief and feelings regarding body image Cultural variations Robust Higher Class and therefore could afford food Food as a substitute for love sex Obesity body weight greater than 20 30 of expected body weight based on height 54 of Americans are overweight or obese 25 of American Children Genetic and Environmental basis for obesity Data on obesity Three Main Reasons for Obesity Rates in the U S Increased High Fat Easily Accessible Junk Food Increased Portion Size Increased Sedentary Lifestyle Anorexia Self starvation resulting in loss of 20 50 of body fat fall to less than 15 body fat overall 6 fatality rate Peak age 14 18 Greater in females Cultural Variations seen in diagnosis Theories Anxiety regarding maturation Difficulty expressing aggression in high achieving families often bright capable Difficult to treat because patients don t recognize it as a problem Males increasing obligatory runner Bulimia repeated episodes of bingeing followed by self induced vomiting laxative or enemas 1 3 of adolescent girls Significant shame component More treatable because recognize problems Often in normal weight ranges Long term health issues ulcers hernias hair loss dental damage electrolyte imbalances Sexuality Preference for those of the same or opposite sex Heterosexual bisexual or homosexual Kisney Survey how often do you Identified sexual behaviors preferences Self Reported Data Bias Issues Limited Validity Important Beginning for Research About 50 of identical twins have the same sexual orientation Masters and Johnson Need to understand actual sexual responses Need direct systematic observations measures Subjects Originally used prostitutes question generalizability non normative sample Recruited from the general public Ages 18 92 382 Men and 312 Women First sexual activity was encouraged in privacy and then investigation team was present during sex and tested MANY THINGS pulse heart rate blood flow Tested about 10 000 sexual cycles Took physiological measurements Created various instruments for this study Resulted in important findings Found that the Sexual Response Cycle is a predictable cycle for men and women Excitement Plateau Orgasm Resolution Need for Affiliation Need to be connected related with others Hill proposed 4 functions we strive to affiliate 1 To obtain positive stimulation in our lives 2 To receive emotional support 3 To gain attention 4 To permit social comparison Need for affiliation varies by individual Increased need to affiliate in fear situations Achievement Motivation What drives us to seek and reach goals basic human motive to achieve Motivation by success thrill at mastery sense of achievement Motivated by fear of failure fear of performing badly increases anxiety Yerkes Dodson optimal levels of anxiety performance Assessment of Achievement Motivation Thematic Apperception Test TAT McClelland used TAT to study achievement motivation although he did not create it Projective Test which looks at themes of achievement People high in achievement tend to work harder and more persistently more future oriented able to delay gratification for long term goals Related to emotional motivation as well Subjects are given a picture and have to create a story based on the image achievement themes can help determine motivation Emotion Cognitive Physiological and Behavioral Components Subjective conscious experience includes an appraisal or evaluation of Cognitive the situation Physiological GSR Polygraph measures heart rate bodily temperatures Bodily arousal accompanies feeling states fight or flight asses with Polygraph tests Records autonomic fluctuations Hypothesis when subjects lie noticeable changes in physiological indicators Not always accurate Sensitive to those high on anxiety measures Less likely to identify those who lie without accompanying discomfort Behavioral Characteristic overt expressions of emotion Body language and facial expressions YES Smiling Jumping up and down to express excitement Six basic emotions generally able to identify Happiness Sadness Anger Fear Surprise and Disgust Facial Feedback Proponents belief that facial expressions themselves can control Display Rules norms that regulate the appropriate expression of emotions culturally emotion determined Nod of approval acceptable in our society rather than jumping up and down if get a grade back in a large classroom Different Theories of Emotion James Lang Theory Conscious experience of emotion results from perception of arousal I m scared because I m running Cannon Bard

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