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Ch 4 CARBOHYDRATES 1 Simple Carbs a Monosaccharides 1 sugar 1C 2H 1O hexose sugars 6C 12H 6O i Glucose Photosynthesis Provides cells with source of energy Preferred main energy source Nervous system and red blood cells Storaged as glycogen ii Fructose consumed by food sources such as high fructose corn syrup iii Galactose roles in the body hexose sugar 6C 12H 6O b Disaccharides 2 sugars glycosidic bonds alpha or beta i Lactose galactose and glucose found in milk and products made from milk ii Sucrose fructose and glucose makes foods sweet table sugar iii Maltose glucose and glucose contained in very few foods 2 Complex Carbs a Oligosaccharides 3 10 sugars roles in body undigested in body i Raffinose Stachyose b Polysaccharides more than 10 sugars i Glycogen stores glucose in body liver skeletal muscles breaks down quickly for carb loading high branch arrangement of glucose ii Starch often added to food for texture and stability 1 Amylose linear glucose chain 2 Amylopectin highly branched arrangement of glucose iii Dietary Fiber FIBER Cannot be digested by small intestine Promotes growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria whole grain foods bran germ endosperm 14g 1000cal 1 Total Fiber sum of dietary and functional fiber 2 Dietary Fiber natural fiber from plants soluble dissolves in H2O and insoluble 3 Functional Fiber added fiber Lowers risk for Cholesterol obesity type 2 diabetes constipation and diverticular disease Nonfermentible fiber prevents constipation and hemroids NONSUGAR SWEETENERS ALCOHOL SUGARS Sorbitol mannitol and xylitol Saccharin Aspartame PKU Acesulfame K Potassium Sucralose Stevia GLUCOSE Photosynthesis Provides cells with source of energy Preferred main energy source Nervous system and red blood cells Stored as glycogen found in liver skeletal muscles GLUCOGENESIS insulin GLUCAGON hormone produced in pancreas GLYCEMIC RESPONSE Change in blood glucose following ingestion GLYCEMIC INDEX Based on standard amount of carbohydrate on scale 0 100 higher glycemic index higher glycemic response GLYCOGENESIS The formation of glycogen GLYCOGENOLYSIS The breakdown of liver and skeletal muscle glycogen into glucose HYPOGLYCEMIA Blood sugar is less than 70 need to eat do NOT need insulin 1 Reactive lets too much insulin out if you over eat on sugar low blood sugar after eat 2 Fasting blood sugar falls or drops because not eating or after exercise GLUCONEOGENESIS Not eating Synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources Promotes glucagon and epinephrine fight or flight and Inhibits glucogenesis insulin KETOGENESIS Fatty acid breakdown in relative absence of glucose KETOSIS elevated levels of ketone bodies bodies are using fat for energy KETONE breaks down fatty acids to use for fuel energy DIABETES metabolic disorder elevated blood levels of glucose INSULIN RESISTANCE Transport of glucose across membranes is impaired

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