Human Papillona Virus HPV warts condyloma Vaginitis moniliasis yeast candidiasis Virus yeast vaginal infection spread to men throats fleshy growth on penis scrotum whitish discharge cottage cheese appearance raised bumpbs on cervix women don t see warts red flaky itchy penis scortal sack or groin Contraction friction of sex breaks open condyloma to infect 30 days or longer with or w o sex 2 5 days Male Treatment Podophyllum Lotrimin OTC ointment w talcum powder Cryotherapy freeze cervix or Laser treatment Monistat OTC Other over 100 types 30 sexually transmissable can cause genital warts condyloma cervical cancer Gardasil decreases risk cervical caner 75 16 18 decreases risk genital wart 90 6 11 Bacteria Virus bacteria w virus like properties comes back Chlamydia Gonnorrhea the clap bacteria penile discharge mild sting urinating urethritis more painful thich white discharge none none maybe mild urination Contraction friction of sex breaks open condyloma to infect 2 6 weeks or longer Male Treatment Tetracycline Tetracycline during pregnancy leads deafness 2 8 days Ceftriaxone Ceftriaxone penicillin not used cause resistant strains Vaginitis Trichomoniasis Protozoa Herpes Symplex Virus HSV 2 virus caused by protozoa virus virus yellow frothy discharge w foul odor red sores that are painful on penis watery discharge itchiness inside penis sores on labia internal or external around cervix with or w o sex share clothing can contract on lip through intercourse 5 28 days Flagyl Flagyl 5 21 days Acyclovir zovirex Acyclovir zovirex Other seen in combo w chlamydia or gonorrhea people naturally develop immunity with age looks similar to HSV 1 cold sores Bacteria Virus Male symptoms Female Symptoms Incubation Female Treatment Male symptoms Female Symptoms Incubation Female Treatment Other Bacteria Virus Male symptoms Female Symptoms Contraction Incubation Female Treatment Male Treatment Bacteria Virus Male symptoms Female Symptoms Contraction Incubation Female Treatment Male Treatment Hepatitis B Virus HBV virus Phthirus pubis crabs lice fever headache jaundice flu itchy visible dots in pubic hair lice beige red fever headache jaundice flu itchy visible dots in pubic hair lice beige red with or w o sex share clothes 8 10 days KWELL lotion wash clothing linen KWELL lotion wash clothing linen 30 180 days No treatment rest fluids No treatment rest fluids Other immunization available small organisms only live 24 hours
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