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Study Guide Exam 3 Chapter 5 Food Safety only and Chapter 6 Mad Cow Disease Prions altered proteins 2nd structure is disrupted Algae toxins Shellfish poisoning Marine toxins Red tide Brevetoxins Food allergies and sensitivities Monodosium glutamate MSG Sulfites increases shelf life Food proteins New concerns Acrylamide Melamine Bisphenol A BPA How to prevent contamination from food manufacturers Food handling techniques Food production preservation and packaging Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points HACCP Salting smoking drying and fermentation Heat treatment Pasteurization Cold treatment Irradiation How to reduce foodborne illness Check consumer advisory bulletins FightBac Clean Hands surfaces and cooking utensils Wash Fruits and vegetables Separate foods Cook foods to proper temperature Chill What is the structure of fatty acid structures Methyl group CH3 omega end carboxylic acid COOH alpha end and a fatty acid backbone shorter the FA chain the easier to digest Medium 8 carbon FA long 16 carbon FA Building blocks for longer FA Elongation increases length of chain and carbon atoms Desaturation increases number of bonds 2 Essential Fatty Acids 1 Omega 3 Fatty Acid Linolenic acid 18 carbons three cis double bonds Men 1 6g day Women 1 1g day Eicosapentaenoic acid EPA Docosahexaenoic acid DHA 2 Omega 6 Fatty Acid Linoleic acid 18 carbons two cis double bonds Men 17g day Women 12g day Arachadonic acid Figure 6 1Lipolysis Lipoprotein lipase Hormone sensitive lipase ketones Triglyceride roles in the body Energy source Lipolysis Lipases Lipoprotein lipase Hormone sensitive lipase Ketones Storage of excess energy Adipose tissue adipocytes Subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue Insulin Lipogenesis Advantages of triglyceride storage Insulation Protection Phospholipids Phosphate containing polar head group Amphipathic Hydrophilic polar head group Hydrophobic fatty acids Major component of cell membranes cellular metabolism Eicosanoid prodction carriers of hydrophobic substances Food sources Phosphatidylcholine Sterols multi ring structure and free don t bind to particular molecule Cholesterol functions sources Bile acids membranes steroid hormones Phytosterols phytostanols Digestion of fat in the mouth and stomach Circulation of lipids Chylomicrons VLDL IDL LDL HDL Cis and trans fatty acids Recommendations of lipids How does cardiovascular disease develop Stroke TIA Modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors How does nutrition influence cardiovascular risk Phytochemicals zoonutrients Saturated coconut oil butter beef fat palm oil unsaturated polyunsaturated canola safflower sunflower corn soybean oil monounsaturated pork fat peanut oil margarine olive oil essential fatty acids

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KSU NUTR 23511 - Exam 3

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