Lecture Guide Chapter 5 Learning Explanation prediction intervention Gen Psych F12 What is Learning Changing behavior due to experience or practice ability to profit from experience Mechanism from which past experience guides future behavior Vs Maturation unfolding of the genetic blueprint Assumption brain physically changed to record what is learned Three kinds of learning Classical Conditioning Think automatic reflexive involuntary Associate stimuli that occur together Operant Conditioning Think voluntary Associate behaviors with consequences reward punish Observational Learning Learn by watching Works with classical and operant Things to Know About Classical Conditioning Ivan Pavlov early 1900s Russian physiologist discovered classical conditioning Classical conditioning learn to make a reflex response to stimulus other than the original natural stimulus that produces the reflex Neutral Stimulus bell unconditioned Stimulus food Unconditioned response drooling Conditioned Stimulus bell Conditioned response drooling Unconditioned means unlearned naturally occurring automatic Unconditioned stimulus UCS the thing that leads to involuntary response naturally Unconditioned response UCR involuntary automatic response to the UCS The unconditioned response is generally going to be a body reaction emotional or physical Conditioned means learned Conditioned stimulus CS Stimulus once neutral that triggers reflex after paired with the UCS 1 Conditioned response CR Learned response to the CS CR vs UCR UCS natural trigger automatic cause CS learned trigger used to be neutral UCR natural automatic effect emotional or physical reaction CR learned effect How it works see selected slides UCS thunder UCR Startle brace CS lightning UCS thunder UCR Startle brace CS lightning CR Startle Brace Always figure all 4 when get an example 1 Find the UR bio or emotion happened automatic 2 Now know the CR same as UR 3 Next find UCS what caused the UR automatically 4 Now find the CS what used to be neutral what had to be trained before get response Classical Conditioning Principles 1 CS must come before UCS 2 CS UCS must come very close together w in seconds 3 CS NS UCS must be paired several times some exceptions 4 CS distinctive stands out from competing stimuli Additional Vocabulary 1 Stimulus generalization greater similarity stronger CR When stimuli similar to CS elicits the CR 2 Extinction Follows removal of the US in CC or removal of a reinforce in OC Disappearance of learned response If Pavlov kept ringing the bell w o giving food the dog would stop drooling at bell 3 Spontaneous recovery Reappearance of learned response after extinction 2 No a fool learns from experience a wise man learns from the experience of others Otto van Bismarck Conditioned Emotional Response 1 Conditioned emotional response CER Feelings triggered by stimuli connected to past Ex Fear of dogs reaction to songs smells etc 2 CERs may lead to Phobias irrational fear responses John Watson little Albert loud noises white rat fear of white furry things stimulus generalization Conditioned taste aversion a negative response like nausea to a particular taste after Taste Aversion just one pairing Biological preparedness tendency to learn certain associations quickly due to potential survival value 1970s wolves eating rancher s sheep ranchers used taste aversion tainted some sheep meat to make the wolves sick they stopped eating sheep Classical Conditioning and You Examples of CC in real life bio emotional Phobias Jump to flashes of lightning expecting the thunder General good bad feelings link to people smells and places advertisers use sex celebrities to sell stuff Medical Treatments Psychological Treatments Things to Know About Operant Conditioning Operant conditioning changing voluntary behaviors Learn change frequency voluntary behavior due to its consequences Thorndike s Law of Effect Can Cats problem solve Are they methodical or doing random things to get out of the box 1905 Behaviors that are followed by something good are repeated increase Behaviors followed by something bad are not repeated decrease Skinner s Contribution Studied observable measurable behavior Gave operant conditioning its name Learning depends on what happens after the consequence 3 Four Ways to Change Behavior Two ways to increase Both called Reinforcement Positive Reinforcement R add or experience something pleasurable ex cookie for doing chores paycheck for working etc Negative Reinforcement R Remove or allow escape avoidance from something unpleasant ex mom nags to make you clean your room she stops nagging when you clean your room Seatbelt alarm stops when you buckle up Two ways to decrease Both called Punishment Punishment by Application punish by adding something unpleasant soap in mouth for cursing ticket for speeding Punishment by Removal punish by taking away something wanted grounding no fun on wkend for being late Additional Operant Conditioning Concepts and Vocabulary Primary vs Secondary Reinforcer Primary R natural unlearned meets a biological need hunger thirst or touch Secondary R learned grades tokens or gold stars praise Think if it has value to a baby Babies like touch don t know what money is Shaping R simple steps that lead to a desired more complex behavior Extinction Behavior stops if it is not R Spontaneous recovery behavior reappears Discriminant Stimulus lets you know if R likely Having an umbrella when it rains is negative reinforcement By having an umbrella you avoid getting wet Only caring an umbrella when you think it s going to rain cloudy sky is a discriminant stimulus 4 How to Make Punishment More Effective 1 Should follow behavior immediately 2 Should be consistent otherwise they think they have a chance at getting away w it 3 Should be paired with R of desired behavior need to fill gap want to fill with good More Punishment Information 1 Fear anxiety can decrease learning 2 Can lead to more aggression 3 Can teach to avoid being caught 4 Temporary unless teach replacement behavior 5 Not forgotten just suppressed Schedules of Reinforcement Continuous reinforcement R each every correct response Partial reinforcement extinction effect Behaviors R only sometimes tend to be very resistant to Which Schedule of Reinforcement Should I use Continuous to teach new behavior Partial to maintain Behavior Modification vs Behavior Therapy Behavior Modification uses operant techniques to change behavior Behavior Therapy use CC or OC
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