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Colin Wuerthele EDSP470 HEARING LOSS IMPACT OF A HEARING LOSS It is important to identify and work with those with hearing loss early on since communication is dominated by spoken word and the loss of hearing can be devastating THE HEARING PROCESS A Outline of the Auditory Process Sound creates a vibration called a sound wave This wave is amplified through the outer ear passing through the tympanic membrane as well as the concave membrane Then the wave heads to the middle ear and finally to the inner ear where the brain recognizes impulses sent by the cochlea B Anatomy of the Ear The ear is made up of three parts the inner ear the middle ear and the outer ear The first part is the outer ear which contains the meatus tympanic membrane or eardrum and the concave membrane Second is the middle ear which contains the ossicular chain a combination of three small bones the hammer anvil and stirrup and the Eustachian tube Finally is the inner ear The inner ear contains the fluid filled cochlea and the vestibular mechanism DEFINITIONS AND CLASSIFICATIONS A Definitions Deafness is a hearing impairment so severe that it inhibits learning and processing auditory input Hard of hearing is when audition is not exceptional but it is still functional With the use of a hearing aid human speech can be processed B Classifications Classification of hearing loss is based on the amount of hearing loss in decibels dB It ranges from 0 15 dBs which is considered is normal hearing and 91 which is considered profound hearing loss PREVALENCE Studies show that around 28 million people in the United States have hearing loss From the 28 million roughly 11 million have severe hearing loss and around 1million are completely deaf One of the leading causes of hearing loss otosclerosis has been found to be hereditary which roughly 10 of adults have this condition There are two acquired factors for hearing loss postnatal factors and environmental factors Postnatal factors are diseases that are known to cause hearing loss such as measles and mumps Environmental factors are things such as loud music and explosions that cause hearing loss CAUSATION C Heredity D Acquired Factors CHARACTERISTICS A Intelligence There has been no research to conclusively prove a difference in IQ s between those with hearing and those with hearing loss However there are difficulties in performance that are related with speaking reading and writing B Speech and English Language Skills Speech is developed slower than those without hearing disabilities and those who are truly deaf have trouble with the English language unless they learn to lip read which is a difficult task C Educational Development Due to the fact that the education system in the United States focuses on spoken word low achievement is commonly associated with people with auditory disabilities D Social Development Because people suffering from hearing problems have limited capacity to process auditory stimuli they are somewhat limited in the scope of social development EDUCATIONAL SERVICES ANDSUPPORTS A Educational Services Children with hearing loss require early intervention in order to be able to learn the skills necessary to be successful in their academic pursuits Specialists are needed in order to detect hearing disabilities early as well as work to remedy any problems Social inclusion can be extremely difficult and it necessary for organizations such as the National Association of the Deaf NAD to work with those that have hearing loss Medical B Services C Services Social GIFTED AND TALENTED BACKGROUND A Binet IQ Test The Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale is a method for approximating intellectual abilities of a specific person It is measured in the intelligence quotient IQ which is the mental age divided by the chronological age B Mental Age Mental age is a notion that determines how intelligent a child is by matching tasks that a child can perform based on an age scale C Intelligence Tests young children Intelligence tests are a way to screen and identify intellectual ability giftedness in D Multidimensional Theory of Intelligence A theory that focuses on three main groups operations products and contents Within each group are numerous intellectual ability functions that make up with the structure of the intellectual model E Concept of Talented Talent is a trait that is associated with giftedness DEFINITIONS AND CONCEPTS F Definitions in different academic fields G Concepts many differing tests used CHARACTERISTICS A Heterogeneous ethnicities cultural groups C Stereotypical View Giftedness is defined as children and youth that have a high performance capability Giftedness is believed to come from catalysts that have positive ad negative impacts on developmental processes that lead to talent PREVELENCE There is some difficulty in determining the amount of children that are gifted due to the Gifted individuals are members of a heterogeneous population because there are multifaceted definitions of giftedness B Research is Population Specific The research generally does not include adequate amounts of females or Those who are considered gifted are well adjusted and socially adept However they do commonly suffer from emotional excitability and high sensitivity D Some Groups Excluded Women and ethnic cultural groups are commonly not fairly represented in the studies leading to inaccurate data ORIGINS OF GIFTEDNESS E Heredity or Genetics Many believe that giftedness is hereditary Others who believe in genetics consider it to be innate and therefore there is very little that can affect intellectual ability F Environmental Others believe that giftedness is based on environmental factors that play an important role in the development of intelligence G Interaction of Heredity and Environment The most common explanation for giftedness is a combination of heredity and environmental factors working together The identification process is directed at finding needs and potentials rather than ASSESSMENT H Changing Methods of Assessment just labeling people as gifted I Multiple Sources of Assessment are collected and reviewed J Identification and Selection In order to determine who is potentially gifted multiple sources of information Tests are given to find out children who are deemed to be gifted with follow up tests to conclusively reach a decision on giftedness

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