STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS INTRODUCTION TO SPECIAL EDUCATION 4 historical periods for persons with disabilities AND name an event or practice that epitomizes that period 1 Seclusion and Isolation 1940s Middle Ages 1300 1500 Trephining Practice was one treatment for illness seen as evil Drilling into skulls Schools for priesthood or elites tutoring apprenticeships or no education for most 1700 1800s Schools formed offered promise 1878 Cleveland 2 day classes for special ed Prison reforms Braille and wheelchairs invented Eugenics the practice of improving genetic quality of human population handicappism People of note Helen Keller FDR 1948 Only 12 of all children with disabilities received special education services Supreme Court ruling supported exclusion of a young boy w Cerebral Palsy was justified because he produced a depressing and nauseating effect upon teachers and school children 2 Integration 1950s 1979 1954 Brown v Board of Education Landmark civil rights case finding education a right for all 1960s President John F Kennedy pushed many special education laws through Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services Civil Rights Act 1963 1971 PARC Est the right to a free public education for student w intellectual disabilities 1972 Mills v District of Columbia Board of Education Est the right to a free public education for ALL students w disabilities 1973 Vocational Rehabilitation Act SECT 504 1975 PL 94 142 EHA later IDEA was passed provided federal funding for public education of students w disabilities 3 Inclusion 1980 1990 1980s 1990s Least restrictive environment mainstreaming inclusion discipline ADA in 1990 Americans w Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination based on disability 4 Empowerment 1991 to present 1991 Present Juvenile justice issues charter schools curriculum based measurement standards based assessments accountability NCLB 2001 No Child Left Behind standards based edu reform 5 guarantees from P L 94 142 EAHCA that continue today in IDEA Individuals w Disabilities Education Improvement Act 2004 Know the acronyms too 1 Free and Appropriate Public Education FAPE Free Special education related services at no cost Appropriate Educational Benefit Public Zero rejection zero exclusion principle can not be excluded on the basis of a disability Education Specially designed instruction related services Established categories of Disabilities 14 from quiz 2 Nondiscriminatory and Multidisciplinary Assessment Prior to being placed in special education it must be determined that the student has an IDEIA related disability and that the student needs special education This must be determined using a valid assessment School districts are required to adopt Procedures to assure that testing of children w disabilities will be selected and administered so as not to be racially or culturally discriminatory Such materials or procedures shall be provided and administered in the child s native language or mode of communication unless it is clearly not feasible to do so and no single procedure shall be the sole criterion for determining an appropriate education program for a child Assessments must be conducted by a team multidisciplinary assessment Trained personnel from several disciplines 3 Due Process Parental safeguards Involvement IDEA places a large emphasis on parental involvement in almost every aspect of the special education process Consent prior to assessment consent to educational setting request an independent assessment participate in the process of the planning of the IEP request a review or copy of student records and due process to challenge the identification assessment placement or FAPE 4 Individualized Education Program IEP written statement for a student receiving services under IDEA describing the educational objectives for that student the special services to be provided key features Statements of student s present level of academic achievement functional performance measurable annual goals specific special education related services supplementary aids services supports how child s disability affects involv and progress in gen ed curric how progress will be meaures dates for beginning of services freq location modifications 5 Least Restrictive Environment LRE To the maximum extent possible children with disabilities are educated w non disabled peers There must be a continuum of placements and the child be placed in the LRE least restrictice environ that is appropriate 2004 Amendments The reauthorization of IDEA aligned with many aspects of NCLB Requires participation in state and local assessments reporting and accountability highly qualified teachers evidence based practice Changes to IEP Changes in the way students w learning disabilities are identified Early Intervening Services Compare and contrast the following laws IDEIA NCLB Sec 504 ADA Eligibility Major Provisions IDEIA IDEA 2004 P L 94 142 Must be meet eligibility requirements of 14 categories Serves ages 0 21 and must affect educational performance Sec 504 FAPE IEP LRE DUE PROCESS Nondiscriminatory Multidisciplinary Assessment Reasonable Accommodations modify classroom program aides give more time Related Services speech language pathology occupational or physical therapy or counseling Procedural safeguards Employment Transportation Public Accommodations Government Telecommunications Having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits him or her in one major life activity and having experienced discrimination resulting from this physical or mental impairment based upon the child s disability as it presents itself without mitigating measures Having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits him or her in one major life activity and having experienced discrimination resulting from this physical or mental impairment based upon the child s ADA ADA AA NCLB disability as it presents itself without mitigating measures All school age children must reach proficiency in reading math science will be assessed grades 3 8 Standards Content Performance Assessments aligned with standards Alternate Assessment High Stakes Accountability Highly Qualified Teachers 504 is different from IDEA in that it is not providing extra services it is just leveling the playing field for people with disabilities 504 is broader than IDEA covers more students example arthritis asthma diabetes cardiac problems Tourette s student who uses a wheelchair ADHD if does not qualify under IDEA the affect on
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