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Worldscope Industrial Template 10 Yr Income Statement AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORPORATION Shares Out SEDOL 2795393 274 Industry Group Exchange NYSE Market Val 0 Drugs proprietaries and sundries Earnings Before Interest And Taxes EBIT 1 102 57 Scaling Factor Millions USD Net Sales or Revenues Cost Of Goods Sold Depreciation Depletion Amortization Gross Income Selling General Administrative Expenses Other Operating Expenses Operating Expenses Total Operating Income Extraordinary Credit Pretax Extraordinary Charge Pretax Non Operating Interest Income Reserves Increase Decrease Pretax Equity In Earnings Other Income Expense Net Interest Expense On Debt Interest Capitalized Pretax Income IncomeTaxes Current Domestic IncomeTaxes Current Foreign IncomeTaxes Deferred Domestic IncomeTaxes Deferred Foreign IncomeTaxes Income Tax Credits Minority Interest Equity In Earnings After Tax Other Income Expense Discontinued Operations Net Income Before Extra Items Preferred Div Extraordinary Items Gain Loss Sale Of Assets Net Income Before Preferred Dividends Preferred Dividend Requirements Net Income Available to Common Y2010 77 953 98 75 600 33 104 17 2 249 48 1 167 83 0 00 76 872 33 1 081 65 25 18 3 20 2 31 0 00 0 00 3 37 74 81 0 00 1 027 77 391 02 304 05 1 50 82 29 3 19 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 636 75 0 00 636 75 0 00 636 75 Y2009 71 759 99 69 646 31 94 32 2 019 37 1 120 24 0 00 Y2008 70 189 73 68 132 43 95 88 1 961 42 1 124 68 0 00 70 860 86 69 353 00 899 13 1 80 18 55 5 20 0 00 0 00 0 00 887 58 63 50 0 00 824 07 312 22 225 84 2 05 87 89 3 57 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 N A 511 85 8 46 503 40 0 00 511 85 836 74 3 50 12 38 10 60 0 00 0 00 2 03 836 44 75 10 0 00 761 34 292 27 225 05 5 11 64 96 2 85 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 N A 469 06 218 51 250 56 0 00 469 06 Operating Income Sales Tax rate PPE Sales Depreciation Sales NWC Sales 2010 2009 0 01387553 0 01252964 0 38045611 0 37887617 0 01520693 0 01425757 0 00133633 0 00131433 0 01080132 0 00660734 Enter Ticker Key ABC Beta 0 75 YTD High YTD Low Y2007 66 074 31 63 770 25 104 34 2 199 72 1 413 10 0 00 Y2006 61 203 15 59 001 31 96 93 2 104 91 1 376 98 0 00 65 287 70 60 475 22 786 61 41 66 14 02 43 42 0 00 0 00 3 08 860 76 75 71 0 00 785 05 291 28 276 54 1 56 15 02 1 83 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 N A 493 77 24 60 469 17 0 00 493 77 727 93 58 20 34 02 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 99 753 09 12 46 0 00 740 63 272 62 180 53 0 00 92 08 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 N A 468 01 0 30 467 71 0 00 468 01 2008 2007 2006 Average 0 01192109 0 01190499 0 01189365 0 01242498 0 3838952 0 37103624 0 36808848 0 37647044 0 0134623 0 01364011 0 01329541 0 01197836 0 00136604 0 00157919 0 00158379 0 00143594 0 00715449 0 01297424 0 02861322 0 01323012 Worldscope Industrials Template 10 Yr Balance Sheet AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORPORATION Shares Out SEDOL 2795393 274 Industry Group Exchange NYSE Market Val 0 Drugs proprietaries and sundries Scaling Factor Millions USD Y2010 Y2009 Y2008 Cash And ST Investments Assets Cash ST Investments Receivables Net Total Inventories Raw Materials Work In Progress Finished Goods Progress Payments Other Prepaid Expenses Other Current Assets Current Assets Total Long Term Receivables Investment In Unconsol Subsidiaries Other Investments Property Plant and Equipment Net Property Plant Equip Gross Land Buildings Machinery Equipment Rental Lease Property Transportation Equipment Property Plant Equipment Other Property Plant Equip Under Capitalized Leases Accumulated Depreciation Accum Depr Land Accum Depr Buildings Accum Depr Machine Equipment Accum Depr Leases Accum Depr Transport Equipment Accum Depr Other PP E Other Assets Deferred Charges Tangible Other Assets Intangible Other Assets Total Assets Liabilities Shareholders Equity Accounts Payable Short Term Debt And Cur Portion of LT Debt Accrued Payroll 1 658 18 1 658 18 N A 3 827 48 5 210 10 N A N A N A N A N A 52 59 10 748 35 0 00 0 00 0 00 711 71 1 185 44 36 41 307 45 841 59 N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A 1 009 37 N A N A 3 916 51 4 972 82 N A N A N A N A N A 55 06 9 953 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 619 24 1 023 12 35 67 292 90 694 56 N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A 878 11 N A N A 3 480 27 4 211 78 N A N A N A N A N A 99 61 8 669 76 0 00 0 00 0 00 552 16 933 20 35 26 281 00 616 94 N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A 473 73 403 89 381 04 2 974 78 2 999 75 2 995 87 N A 129 44 2 845 34 14 434 84 N A 140 69 2 859 06 13 572 74 2 25 118 25 2 875 37 12 217 79 8 833 29 8 517 16 7 326 58 0 42 N A 1 07 N A 1 72 N A Deferred Tax Liability In Untaxed Reserves 231 04 199 73 11 480 55 10 856 27 Income Taxes Payable Dividends Payable Other Current Liabilities Current Liabilities Total Long Term Debt LT Debt Excluding Capitalized Leases Capitalized Lease Obligations Provision For Risks And Charges Deferred Income Deferred Taxes Deferred Taxes Credit Deferred Taxes Debit Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Non Equity Reserves Minority Interest Preferred Stock Common Equity Common Stock Capital Surplus Revaluation Reserves Other Appropriated Reserves Unappropriated Free Reserves Retained Earnings Equity In Untaxed Reserves ESOP Guarantees Unrealized Foreign Exchange Gain Loss Unrealized Gain Loss On Marketable Securities Treasury Stock Total Liabilities Shareholders Equity 703 62 N A 369 02 645 72 N A 315 66 550 71 N A 288 58 9 906 34 9 479 61 8 167 59 1 343 16 1 343 16 1 176 93 1 176 93 1 187 41 1 187 41 0 00 N A N A N A N A N A N A 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 954 30 4 90 3 899 38 0 00 44 61 N A N A 0 00 2 07 0 00 0 00 N A …

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