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Lecture Guide Chapter 12 Psychological Disorders Gen Psych F12 Based in part on PsychSmart McGraw Hill 2013 Introduction A major part of psychology study and practice Medical Model It is useful to think of psychology disorders as medical diseases What criteria are used to determine whether a disorder is present include examples 1 Deviance Differs from accepted expected social norms nagging hallucinations delusions hurting oneself falling in love with inanimate objects 2 Maladaptive Behavior Everyday functioning impaired 3 Personal Distress Report of internal experience Do you need all 3 No but many disorders fit one Vocabulary Diagnosis Assigning a label to a cluster of symptoms Distinguishing one disorder from another Benefits of diagnosis Treatment ideas Access to services Drawbacks Prejudice Discrimination Out group Homogeneity Self Fulfilling Prophecy Classics exist but generally not that easy Lots of overlaps Many qualify for 1 at a time or over time Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Tells you the label for each cluster of symptoms checklist Intern Syndrome psychology student syndrome BEWARE Treatment Over Identify with disorders you learn about think you have them If in doubt seek a consult reassure provide help Evaluating Psychotherapy For most therapy is effective 90 feel very poor say helped 85 feel fairly poor say helped Does not work for everyone Certain types work best for certain issues All share some basic elements What are they 1 Positive one on one relationship 2 Regardless of what type of therapy you go to people usually receive an explanation for symptoms 3 Safe Place to confront negative emotions Etiology Cause Current Beliefs Bio psycho social model Disorders psychological and physical are multi determined look for biological psychological and social contributors to best understand and treat Ex Bio Genetic Vulnerability Brain injuries Toxins Infections Psychogical Personality Traits Thinking Patterns Social Poverty Access to medical needs Prognosis Probable outcome length severity Recurrence Prevalence How Common How many Any disorder How many a year any disorder 22 How many lifetime any disorder 35 50 Most Common Disorders Mood Anxiety Substance Abuse Psychological Disorders are Whole Body Disorders Have emotional cognitive and physical symptoms Review of Select Psychological Disorders Anxiety disorders Excessive or unrealistic Anxiety fear Can be general or focused As a group most common and very costly Many Effective Treatments With and Without Medication Generalized anxiety disorder Worries constantly and excessive past now future money family work illness even worrying Highly sensitive to criticism Trouble making decisions Effects of physical tension aches pains tender Treatment Medication Various Therapies Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Trauma reactions can be general or specific now or delay PTSD is a specific set of symptoms 1 Re experience 2 Avoidance symptoms Numb 3 Hyper Arousal symptoms Treatment Anti depressant Specific Phobia Irrational Fear of object or situation excessive to risk know it but can t stop it Leads to avoidance Severity varies greatly phobia vs phobia disorder Social phobia Fear of interacting being evaluated negatively Fear everyday social situations Serious Phobia Why Affects all aspects of a person s life Panic disorder Panic attacks interfere with everyday life What percent women 2 3 Panic attack sudden onset intense dread and anxiety with multiple physical symptoms often think fear dying After first attack may develop 1 Fear of fear fear of another attack 2 Agoraphobia fear of leaving familiar home b c might have a panic attack in public or without support Can you have agoraphobia without panic Yes Treatment Often without medications relaxation exposure therapy Obsessive compulsive disorder Obsessions create anxiety Relieved by performing compulsions Obsession with examples Intruding unwanted recurrent thoughts impulses images Ran over someone Compulsion with examples Repetitive ritualistic behaviors prescription b c decreases anxiety temporary Checking door over and over Symptoms can fluctuate over time Treatment Medications exposure and response prevention cognitive techniques hard work but effective Mood Disorders 1 Extreme 2 In mood for longer than reason 3 Mood does not reflect reality Depression Persistent feelings of sadness despair Lose interest in sources of pleasure like food and sex Mania Excessive excitement energy elation or irritability Major Depression Emotional sx sad hopeless despair lose interest in old pleasures Cog sx slow thought process difficulty concentrating or making decisions Physical and Motor sx Less active problems sleeping low sex drive decrease appetite physical pain More info on depression Generally episodic episodes vary typical 3 12 months if time limited why treat Bad things can possibly happen 2 times women over men Lifetime prevention rate 16 17 Often sudden and no known cause Good News Effective treatment therapy and or medication Dysthymia More moderate depression Lasts more than two years Typically a reaction to external stressor Seasonal Affective Disorder Caused by reaction to low levels of sunlight winter Bipolar disorder Mania Manic episodes include various sx too Severe mood swings and manic episodes emotional elation sociable optimistic impatience irritable cognitive Racing thoughts flight of ideas delusion of grandeur impaired judgment motor hyperactive less sleep more sex drive behavioral may see reckless impulsive gamble shop sex Additional Info Prevelancy 1 25 less than depression Men Women Late teens early twenties Most effective treatment Therapy and medication Schizophrenia Severe disorder including Disordered thinking bizarre behavior disrupted emotions 1 Population cause male female Positive symptoms In excess of or in addition to normal behavior they do most people don t Hallucinations delusions bizarre behavior Hallucinations false sensory perceptions auditory most common Delusions false beliefs refusal to accept evidence of their falseness Delusions of grandeur you are important Delusions of persecution others are out to get you Delusions of reference normal events have special meaning directed for you Negative symptoms symptoms that are less than normal they don t do most people do harder to treat Flat affect a lack of emotional responsiveness Poor speech production Lack of initiative Social withdrawal Typical Course Usually emerges adolescence

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