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Rollerball s Corporate Command Economy Individual needs and wants supplied by corporate interests in return for cultural and political compliance obedience Commercial Corporation owners A profit driven institution generating capital for private Hence it is possible to refer to the Corporatization of American Life Corporatization is the process whereby social of various kinds institutions adopt the Institutional structure Managerial hierarchies Profit driven focus Of commercial corporations The Corporatization of Society The public goal may be intact but the private goal is making a profit Ex Area of Society Medicine Public Goal Healing illness Private Goal Profit Public Service or Private Profit It is a regular feature of these social institutions that they follow a business model driven by the need to secure profit For this reason many have either taken on the structure and values of commercial corporations or they have become incorporated into the workings of commercial corporations Neo Liberalism Neoliberalism is wedded to the belief that the market should be the organizing principle for all political social and economic decisions under neoliberalism everything either is for sale or is plundered for profit industrial capitalism 1850 1950 Capital generated from mass production and consumption of material products Rigid regime of accumulation Cultural capitalism 1950 present Capital increasingly generated from production and consumption of cultural ideas Flexible regime of accumulation Commercializing Breast Cancer Commercialization of a culture and a culturalization of economy Sport has been incorporated onto and mobilized by the corporate economy Elite sport has been effectively and efficiently re organized in accordance with capitalist logics of economic rationality Corporate Sport A highly regulated controlled and predictable mass entertainment product designed to generate maximum profit across numerous revenue streams A suggestive Corporate Sport Model Cartelized Ownership A cartel is a group of firms that organize together to control production sales and wages within an industry Franchise Structure According to former NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle On the playing field member clubs clearly competitors and every effort must be made to promote this but in their business operations member clubs of a leagues are less competitors and more joint business partners Rational Re Location Corporate Sponsorship Brand Marketization Product Diversification Celebrity Individualization Instead of focusing on winning and losing focusing on dollars and cents The Corporization of Physical Culture The German sociologist Max Weber developed the concept of the iron cage to capture the notion of the increased bureaucratization and rationalization of human existence in Modern capitalist societies McDonaldized Fitness Industry Efficiency The optimum means of working exercising specific areas of Fitness and the body is evaluated through calculable the body Calculability measures Predictability Control Institutionally uniform and standardized products and services The exercising body being directed controlled by non human technologies This leads to Dehumanization of the modern individual

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UMD KNES 287 - Rollerball’s Corporate “Command” Economy

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