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o Continuous children similar to adults just not fully developed o Discontinuous children qualitatively different from adults EDHD320 BASIC ISSUES OF DEVELOPMENT Theories Orderly integrated sets of statements o Describe o Explain o Predict behavior Help us understand development o Guide us toward actions solutions Depend on scientific verification Cognitive thinking Continuous discontinuous Continuous development o Process of gradual augmentation o Same type kinds of skills o Infants children adults Discontinuous development o Transition new different o Interpretations ways of responding o Children are not like adults o Stages o Discontinuous stage Nature versus Nurture o Genetics or environment MAJOR THEORIES OF DEVELOPMENT Psychoanalysis o 1 Psychosexual Freud o 2 Psychosocial Erikson Both stage theories o Freud Id devil biological needs desires Ego balance rational Behaviorism Watson Skinner Thorndike Superego angel conscience o No stages o Theory directly observable events o 1 Classical conditioning Qualitative changes in thinking feeling behaving Characterize specific periods of development Stimulus response o 2 Operant conditioning Reinforcement punishment Cognitive Developmental Theory Piaget o Schema idea about the world o Assimilation accommodation equilibrium o Children active learners o Stages Sociocultural Theory Vgotsky o Role of culturally specific practices o Development by social interaction o Little biological primarily nurture o No stages Bio Ecological System Theory Bronfenbrenner o Development within systems of relationships o Multiple Levels Microsystem Mesosystem Exosystem Macrosystem Chronosystem Interactions in immediate surroundings Connections b w Microsystems Social settings that do not directly involve individual Cultural values laws customs resources FOXUS ON 36 41 AND 45 53 Dynamic changing systems Research method how you collect data ask questions watch group etc o Observations self report ethnography clinical or case study when will I lay out study over time Research design o Longitudinal cross sectional sequential 2 1 11 Research Method 1 Observation Naturalistic Observation behavior happens in the field or natural environment where o Positive most natural o Negative no control over information gained Structured Observation interest laboratory situation set up to evoke behavior of o All participants have equal chance to display behavior Research Method 2 Self Reports Clinical Interviews flexible conversational style o Try to understand POV Freud would do this Structured each participant is asked same questions in same way o Ex Quizzes customer satisfaction questionnaires survey Research Method 3 Ethnography Ethnography immerse yourself into another culture o Goal understand culture social group o Participant observation researcher lives in community for months years Research Method 4 Clinical Case Study Case Study brings together wide range of info On one person o Interviews observations test scores Types of Research Designs Longitudinal Cross sectional Sequential times same group studied at different times differing groups studied at same time several similar cross sectional or longitudinal studies at varying CHAPTER 2 BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT Genotype Phenotype Chromosomes Genes Alles genetic make up of an individual observable characteristics of an individual store and transmit genetic information segments of DNA located along chromosomes two forms of the same gene o Appear at the same place on both chromosomes in a pair o One inherited from each parent o Homozygous the 2 alleles are alike o Heterozygous the alleles differ Environmental Contexts Family SES Socioeconomic Status years of education Neighborhoods prestige skill Cultural Context income The Heredity Environmental Relationship Environmental influences impact heredity genetic expression o Ex More money to have children Environment and Gene Expression o Genes need stimulation o Epigenesis embryonic development by gradual change PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT BIRTH AND THE NEWBORN BABY FAMILY SIZE AND INTELLIGENCE 1 Recent declines in family size o Birth control maternal employment marital instability Negative correlation between family size and child s IQ score o National Longitudinal Study of Youth Biological Steps in Prenatal Development ZYGOTE 2 weeks o Fertilization o Implantation o Start of placenta EMBRYO 6 weeks o Arms legs face organs muscles all develop o Heart begins beating FETUS 30 weeks o Growth and finishing ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Maternal factors Teratogens Prenatal Care MATERNAL FACTORS IN HEALTHY PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT Infectious diseases o Rubella HIV taxoplasmosis Nutrition o Folic acid baby brain weight Emotional stress Rh blood factor o Antibodies Age o High biological and low environmental Teratogens any environmental agent that causes damage during prenatal period o Ex Drugs tobacco alcohol radiation pollution o Many substances cut off oxygen supply to fetus and stifle development Reasons women delay prenatal care Financial hardship Situation barriers Personal barriers Many engaging in high risk behaviors and do not want to reveal to health care professionals NEWBORN REFLEXES Inborn automatic response to particular form of stimulation o Encourage parent child interactions o Normally disappear after 6 months as child learns how to exercise more control over body Moro reflex embracing Rooting reflex turn towards touch on face initiate sucking o Helps with breast feeding Stepping reflex kicking or stepping Palmar grasp reflex grab when you touch hands NEW FAMILY ADJUSTMENT Hormones facilitate caregiving o Milk production attachment etc o Hormone release and effects may depend on experience Challenge of early weeks o New roles o Changed schedule CH 4 PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT IN INFANCY AND TODDLERHOOD 2 7 11 BODY GROWTH Huge gains early on Body fat increases more rapidly than muscle Some proportion comparisons 5 months 1 year 2 years BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Brain develops prenatally Most developed organ by birth Early intervention in problems better LATERALIZATION OF CEREBRAL CORTEX Left Hemisphere o Sensory information and control of right side of body o Verbal abilities o Positive emotion o Sequential analytical processing Right Hemisphere o Sensory information and control of left side of body o Negative emotion o Spatial abilities WHAT IS LEARNING Learning changes as a result of experiences How babies learn o Classical and operant conditioning Neutral

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