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EDHD MODULE 2 Ch 7 PHYSICAL AND COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD Ages 2 6 Brain development frontal lobe areas for planning organization develop Handedness begins as early as 1 yr and strengthens o 90 right handed o Affected by experience position in uterus practice Infectious Diseases in Childhood o Childhood diseases declines over past half century b c of immunization of infants and young children o Over 20 of American infants and toddlers are not fully immunized Motor Skills Development o GROSS MOTOR SKILLS Balance improves Gain smooth rhythmic by age 2 Upper and lower body skills combine into more refined actions by age 5 Greater speed and endurance o FINE MOTOR SKILLS Cognitive Development Self help dressing eating drawing o Piaget preoperational stage and its limitations o Vygotsky language development Zone of Proximal Development Piaget s Preoperational Stage 2 to 7 o Changes in representational symbolic activities o Limitations in thought Egocentrism animistic thinking 3 mountain task failure to distinguish others views from one s own Conservation irreversibility centration Hierarchical classification o Make believe play Use objects in realistic way Take on others role in play Co ordinate several roles o Benefits of make believe play Increased social competence Strengthened mental abilities attention memory logical reasoning language literacy imagination creativity Vygotsky s Sociocultural Theory Early Childhood o Private speech egocentric speech Helps guide behavior focus Used more when tasks are difficult after errors or when confused Gradually becomes more silent o Zone of Proximal Development ZPD Scaffolding supports children s learning Assisted discovery and peer collaboration help children learn Ch 8 SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD Erikson s Theory Initiative vs Guilt o INITIATIVE Eagerness to try new tasks join activities with peers Play permits trying out new social skills Act out highly visible occupations o GUILT Overly strict superego or conscience causing too much guilt Related to excessive threats criticism punishment from adults o Builds on previous stage failure is cumulative Development of SELF CONCEPT o Definition attributes abilities attitudes values that child believes o Based on observable characteristics appearance possessions defines who she he is behavior o Typical emotions and attitudes o Asserting rights to objects help define boundaries of self o Resolving conflicts SELF ESTEEM o Judgments we make about our own worth o Includes global appraisal and judgments of different aspects of self o Affects preschoolers initiative Milestones in emotional development o Understanding of others emotions increasingly accurate o Emotional self regulation improves o More self conscious emotions shame guilt as self concept develops o Empathy sympathy and prosocial behavior increase Emotional understanding o In interpreting emotions preschoolers judge Causes Consequences Behavioral signs of emotions o Parents and play contribute to understanding Emotional self regulation o Language helps children to improve their ability to regulate their emotions o Effortful control is vital in managing emotions in early childhood Talking to self decisions in line with outcome blocking input Peer Sociability in play o NONSOCIAL ACTIVITY unoccupied onlooker behavior solitary play o PARALLEL PLAY plays near other children with similar toys but does not try to influence them o SOCIAL INTERACTION associative play cooperative play THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES Psychoanalytic o Freud superego and guilt o Today induction empathy based guilt Behaviorist Rewards and punishment Cognitive Development children act as active thinkers about social rules THE POWER OF INDUCTIVE DISCIPLINE Gives children information about how to behave that they can use in future situations Encourages sympathy and concern which motivates prosocial behavior Gives children reason for changing their behavior and encourages moral standards that make sense Children form a script that can deter future transgressions PUNISHMENT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD Physical punishment and frequent punishment have undesirable side effects Effectiveness of punishment increased by o Consistency o Warm parent child relationship o Explanations induction Alternatives to punishment o Time out o Withdrawing privileges o Positive discipline Use transgressions as opportunities to teach Reduce opportunities for misbehavior Have children participate in family duties routines Try compromising and problem solving Encourage mature behavior Prepare them for situation Praising good behavior TYPES OF AGGRESSION Instrumental meant to help child get something he she wants Hostile meant to hurt someone else o Physical verbal physical harm threat name calling teasing o Relational damage to social relationship GENDER TYPING Association of objects activities roles or traits with one sex in stereotypical ways Influences on gender typing o GENETIC evolutionary adaptiveness hormones o ENVIRONMENTAL family teachers peers broader social environment CHILD REARING STYLES Authoritative Authoritarian Permissive Uninvolved high acceptance and involvement adaptive control low acceptance and involvement high coercive control high acceptance low involvement and control low acceptance and involvement indifferent to control Ch 9 PHYSICAL AND COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT IN MIDDLE CHILDHOOD Ages 6 1 OBESE CHILDREN More likely to be overweight adults Health risks o Blood pressure cholesterol o Respiratory problems o Diabetes o Cancer Psychological risks o Feeling unattractive o Stereotyping and teasing o Depression o Problem behaviors o Early puberty and sexual problems Causes of obesity in middle childhood o Overweight parents o Malnutrition o Poverty o Family eating habits o Response to food cues o Low physical activity o Television PIAGET S THEORY ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE CONCRETE OPERATIONAL STAGE More logical and flexible CONCRETE thought not abstract ideas Conservation o Decentration o Reversibility Classification Spatial reasoning o Directions o Maps INTELLIGENCE Around age 6 students reasoning ability or intelligence becomes o More stable o More correlated with academic achievement There are a variety of tests designed to assess intelligence o Stanford Binet Weschler WISC IV most used Sternberg s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence o Analytical Intelligence o Creative Intelligence o Practical Intelligence Gardner s Multiple Intelligences o Linguistic o Logico

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