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Lecture 1 7 9 12 Chapter 1 Sexual Life Now increased over time 50 of women are getting pregnant before marriage This has Rates of STDS have increased in the 50 age group Marriage facilitates a longer life The Art of Love first book known written about sexuality Talks about aborting a pregnancy different sexual positions Views of sexuality have fluctuated throughout history Art of Love The Greeks Believed you can have sex without emotional impact Acknowledged male love to another younger male The highest form of love you can achieve was male to male companionate love Pederasty had younger apprentices who older men had sex with The younger one was always the bottom and the older one was always the top Allowed homosexual behavior but had very strict rules about how Plutonic greatest love is male male Had art and drawings involving sex Tantric sex idea of holding off orgasm ejaculation to make sex last Kama Sutra another early book about sexuality India longer Lecture 2 7 10 12 The Domains of Sexuality Biological Psychological Cultural Cultural Differences High context cultures emphasize learning from non communicative ways Low High context cultural interactions can pose challenges Lecture 3 7 11 12 Chapter 2 Knowing What We Know Straight Laced The boys are expected to wear matching and baggy clothing Boys think that girls have to pay attention to every aspect of their outfits Boys are self conscious of wearing scarves or feminine colors because they are scared of being marked as gay The high school students discuss how having multiple sexual partners for a guy is looked upon as high status People look down on girls who have high numbers and sleep around Girls make out with each other for attention from guys Not because There is a stigma in society that people think gay people are always they really want to attracted to them Gay students in high schools get bullied at school They cant bring their boyfriends to prom in fear of being jumped They are scared of going to the bathroom and scared of getting lunch thrown at them Teachers don t always stand up for them They don t feel safe at school Lecture 4 7 12 12 Meeting at Health Center Goal of STICC to bring partners together from around the region to discuss sexually transmitted diseases Chlamydia and gonorrhea are most popular in the younger age groups Syphilis is seen within the men who have sex with men population Incidence new infection Prevalence existing infection Mission to establish and maintain partnerships and focus strategies to prevent and control of STDS HIV in Washington DC and the Metropolitan Area Vision STICC envisions a DC metro area free of STDS S specific M measurable objectives get data to facilitate change A Attainable can this actually happen R is it realistic T time based Objectives Coalition of the counties Lecture 5 7 16 12 both traits Transgender many different places on the spectrum alittle bit of Transexual someone who went through the surgery to change sexes Some people who don t completely get the surgery still want to be identified as transsexual because they feel completely as the other sex Sexual identity is completely opposite of that which they were assigned at birth Transvestite someone who dresses as the other sex SRS sexual reassignment surgery Gender queer someone who is in exactly the middle of the spectrum between male or female traits LGBTQ lesbian gay bisexual transgender questionable Lecture 6 7 17 12 LGBT Community Speaker Doctoral Student Upper class white lesbian parents still together no negative experiences with men dated guys in high school very religious parents Coming out preconscious or awareness of same sex attraction happens at a young age Felt as if something was missing when dating men First process admitting it to yourself Next is maybe coming out to others When she came out to her parents they were completely shocked She knew that it couldn t get worse from where it was Felt weight on her shoulders when she was at home Created a gay straight alliance at her catholic school Community didn t exist beforehand Male Anatomy Sperm is deposited into the cervical opening os Frenulum connects glans of the penis to the shaft Sensitive area 4 000 nerve endings on the glans of the penis Studies have shown that there is no difference in sex drive after circumsion There is an extra 1 3 of penal length that you cannot see Epididymis sperm matures there Vas deferens transports sperm Seminal vesicle the prostate glands and the cowpers gland contribute to the liquid that makes up semen Arteries open to let blood flow into the penis Veins constrict to keep the blood in The blood leaves through the veins Cremaster muscle kigel movements Testicles must remain 3 degrees cooler than the rest of the body Leydig cells produce testosterone Sertoli cells in the tubules in the testes

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UMD HLTH 377 - Chapter 1: Sexual Life Now

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