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Study Guide Nutrition 23511 Exam 2 Know and understand the following Alcohol sugars Non sugar sweeteners Non sugar alternatives may seem healthier but that s not always the case Substituting non sugar sweeteners for sugar sweeteners alone will not facilitate weight loss It isn t proven but there is a link being observed between the growing obesity rate and the growing amount of non sugar sweeteners consumed Diabetes mellitus type I II gestational and secondary Type I pancreas is no longer able to produce insulin causing blood glucose levels to get dangerously high Occurs in childhood and adolescence Can develop in adults Person is required insulin delivered via daily injections Type II insulin resistance Most common Can often be managed by diet weight loss and exercise Develops mostly in middle aged and older adults May require glucose lowering medication or insulin injections Gestational Occurs in pregnant women Temporary Insulin resistance brought on by hormone changes Increases risk for type II diabetes Secondary Brought on by other diseases medical conditions and medications Once the underlying cause of secondary diabetes is treated normal blood glucose control is usually restored Define diabetes mellitus know signs symptoms regulation of glucose levels and the diet guidelines A metabolic disorder characterized by elevated levels of glucose in the blood hyperglycemia Symptoms include excessive thirst weight loss and honey sweet urine Little can be done to help besides insulin injections Patients can change diet but without insulin will not get better Apple Pear shape Apple Shape middle fat Greater risk for weight related health problems Pear Shape hip and thigh fat Harder to get rid of but less risk Insulin resistance insulin receptors have difficulty recognizing or responding to insulin The transport of glucose across the cell membrane is impaired resulting in high glucose levels in blood Visceral subcutaneous fat Visceral Fat intra abdominal fat Refers to adipose tissue surrounding the internal organs of the torso Subcutaneous Fat fat found directly beneath the skin This is where most of our fat is Monosaccharide disaccharide Simple sugars or simple carbohydrates Monosaccharide Carbohydrate consisting of a single sugar Disaccharide Carbohydrate consisting of 2 monosaccharides bonded together Weight loss strategies best approach is to set reasonable goals choose nutritious foods in moderation daily physical activity only eat when physically hungry Satiety the state in which hunger is satisfied and a person feels he or she has had enough to eat Adequate balance There is an adequate amount of different nutrients you should get daily It is best when a food s nutrients are balanced with the amount of calories it contains Storage forms glucose animal and plant glucose is stored in the form of glycogen a polysaccharide consisting of many glucose molecules DASH diet Has specific smaller plates and bowls and utensils to prevent over consumption Total fiber the combination of dietary fiber that exists naturally in a food plus any functional fiber that is added during manufacturing Appetite the psychological longing or desire for food Reasons for being underweight and overweight Eating habits sociocultural factors psychological factors physical activity and genetics BMI classifications Underweight less than 18 5 kg m Healthy Weight 18 5 24 9 kg m Overweight 25 0 29 9 kg m Obese more than or equal to 30 kg m Energy in energy out When you consume more energy than you use it is considered positive energy balance This causes weight gain When you use more energy than you consume it is considered negative energy balance This causes weight loss The amount of energy you consume should be in balance with the amount of energy you use Metabolic syndrome condition characterized by an unhealthy metabolic profile abdominal body fat and insulin resistance which increases risk for developing type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease Gastric bypass surgery A procedure that reduces the size of the stomach and bypasses a part of the small intestine so fewer nutrients are absorbed Lap band A type of bariatric surgery in which an adjustable fluid filled band is wrapped around the upper portion of the stomach dividing it into a small upper pouch and a larger lower pouch The smaller pouch fills with food and the patient then feels full sooner Liposuction A technique in cosmetic surgery for removing excess fat from under the skin by suction Structure of monosaccharides made up of carbon hydrogen and oxygen In the ratio 1 2 1 Oligosaccharides Polysaccharides Oligosaccharides Carbohydrate made of relatively few 3 10 monosaccharides Polysaccharides Complex carbohydrate made of many monosaccharides Glycogen gluconeogenesis Glycogen a polysaccharide consisting of a highly branched arrangement of glucose molecules Found primarily in liver and skeletal muscle Gluconeogenesis Process when glucose is synthesized from smaller simpler molecules Helps keep blood glucose levels within critical limits Glucagon ketosis ketone Glucagon hormone that provides a signal for the body to break down liver glycogen to maintain adequate levels of blood glucose when one has not eaten Ketosis a condition resulting from excessive ketones in the blood This happens when energy intake is very low or when the diet provides insufficient amounts of carbohydrate Ketone organic compound used as an energy source during starvation fasting low carb diets or uncontrolled diabetes Adipose tissue plays an active role in regulating energy balance Comprised of specialized cells adipocytes that contain a lipid filled core that consists primarily of triglycerides GI Hormones satiety tryptophan leptin etc Gastrointestinal hormones Triggered by the presence of food in the stomach and small intestine Most of these promote satiety feeling full Ghrelin is a GI hormone that stimulates the sensation of hunger Usually after food is consumed but when stomach is still empty TEE BMR TEE total energy expenditure Total energy used by the body BMR Basal metabolic weight Energy expended to support basal metabolism Waist circumference A measure used as an indicator of central adiposity fat Eating disorders anorexia bulimia binge eating anorexia irrational fear of gaining weight or becoming obese Weight loss becomes an obsession Bulimia people turn to food in times of stress and emotional conflict Consume large amounts of food in a relatively short period of time

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KSU NUTR 23511 - Study Guide

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