An ACTIVE mental system ability that allows us to put away info for later use SCARTELLI PSYCH NOTES 10 12 Memory Processes steps of memory Receive from the senses world Encoding put in for short time use Storage hold Retrieval get out Models of Memory INFO process model Levels of processes model Assumes process model of info memory storage similar to that of a computer Assumes info that is more deeply processed processed accord to meaning will be remembered more efficiently longer Other models exist too which is right See Blackboard Learn for chart Sensory Memory Very first stage Where info enters Nervous System through senses Lasts generally only a second or so Short Term Memory STM AKA working memory Where info is held while being used Selective Attention Ability to focus on one stimulus from all sensory input Moves info from sensory memory to short term memory Bits of info combo into meaningful units chunks so more info can be held in STM Capacity 7 times positive negative 2 items 5 9 STM How big is it How long is STM About 12 30 sec w o rehearsal Chunking Maintenance Rehearsal Say info over over in head to keep it in STM or LTM STM tend to be encoded in auditory form STM susceptible to interference Long Term Memory LTM Used to keep info permanently Elaborative rehearsal Get from STM to LTM by making info meaningful Types of LTM See Black board Learn for chart Procedural Non Declarative LTM Memory for 1 Skills 2 Emotional Assoc Habits Simple conditioned reflexes AKA Implicit memory Not easily brought into awareness interestingly Anterograde Amnesia The inability to form new declarative LTMs generally does NOT affect procedural LTM Can gain NEW skills but not new facts See Blackboard Learn for chart Declarative LTM Things people know facts AKA explicit memory consciously known There are two types Semantic Memory Episodic Memory General knowledge knowledge of language plus one learned in formal education Personal info not readily available to others daily activity events
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