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All of the following terms except one refer to the same period Which term doesn t fit the 1800s In the context of Beethoven s Europe the term Elector referred to a ruler within the Holy Roman Empire sharing the authority to empower the next Emperor In political contexts the 1700s a k a the 18th century are often referred to as the thanks to new ideas that emphasized rational government and personal liberty even though in practice most governments were still authoritarian monarchies Enlightenment Immanuel Kant Friedrich Schiller and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe were all important figures in the intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment In the late 18th century Bonn enjoyed political importance disproportionate to its small size because it was the longtime seat of the Archbishop of Cologne K ln an Imperial Elector Which of the following were important figures in the German Enlightenment be sure to check all that apply the poet Friedrich Schiller the philosopher Immanuel Kant the poet and dramatist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe In the literary domain C G Neefe likely introduced Beethoven to the literary movement known as that emphasized natural feeling and exuberant originality in opposition to neoclassical formalism and balance Sturm und Drang According to Lockwood C G Neefe earned his place in history by introducing the young Beethoven to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach 9 In the Age of Absolutism the justification for monarchic rule in Europe was a doctrine known as the Divine Right of Kings By the late 18th century the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation was best characterized as 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 a motley assortment of literally hundreds of small mostly impotent city states Kleinstaaten Beethoven s principal patron at Bonn was the Elector Max Franz The specific reason that Beethoven left Bonn in 1792 was so that he could study composition with Haydn in Vienna Beethoven s principal patron at Bonn was the Elector Max Franz Our protagonist s grandfather was Ludwig van Beethoven a successful bass singer and Kapellmeister at the electoral court in Bonn The late 18th c German literary movement that stressed natural feeling and exuberant originality in opposition to neoclassical formalism was called Sturm und Drang storm and stress When Beethoven was born there was no such country as Germany instead Bonn represented just one city state within the Holy Roman Empire Beethoven s only important composition teacher at Bonn was Christian Gottlob Neefe Which of the following is a feature of the 18th c piano rather than a modern one a clearer more focused sound with better balance of volume across the keyboard A soundboard with the grain running parallel to allthe strings thus producing a clear focused balanced sound is characteristic of the 18th c piano 20 An extended range of available notes seven and a quarter octaves instead of just five is a feature of the modern piano Which instrument responds more rapidly to the player s touch the 18th c piano Which of the following does NOT represent a feature of the 18th c piano a large heavy cast iron frame 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 A soundboard with the grain running parallel to allthe strings thus producing a clear focused balanced sound is characteristic of the 18th c piano A rhythmic surprise disrupting the established meter is called a syncopation Which of the following would NOT represent a syncopation a recurring regular pattern of stressed and unstressed beats When a composer moves from one key to another the move is called a modulation If the relationship between tones is complex and unstable we call the relationship dissonant 28 The word musicians use to summarize how a piece of music changes from beginning to end is form A phrase ending that sounds incomplete is called a half cadence 30 A musical texture of polyphony that emphasizes aflorid melody and bass with simple filler in between is characteristic of music from the era Baroque 31 An established collection of chords all centering on the tonic chord is called a key 32 If the relationship between tones is simple andstable we call the relationship consonant When composers combine musical three or more musical tones simultaneously we call the combination a harmony If the relationship between tones is we call the relationship consonant simple and stable 23 24 25 26 27 29 33 34 35 When discussing musical texture even in insrumental music we refer to the component musical lines as voices In a sonata allegro form the piece modulates from other keys back to the home key during the section Development A fairly simple form which alternates a recurring theme always in the home key with contrasting material always in other keys is called Rondo form 38 A musical texture of simple clear balanced homophony is characteristic of music from which era Classical The most complex formal template of the Classical era establishing a dramatic tension between contrasting themes and contrasting key areas is called form sonata In sonata allegro form the part of the piece featuring the themes in fragmented or transformed versions is the section Development Our protagonist s father was Johann van Beethoven a court tenor and music teacher of moderate talent whose alcoholism hobbled his career In the musical domain C G Neefe introduced the young Beethoven to the works of Johann Sebastian Bach Which instrument offers greater precision and clarity the 18th c piano 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 When composers combine musical three or more musical tones simultaneously we call the combination a harmony 45 A musical texture of a melodic line with simple accompaniment in which accompanying lines share the same rhythm is called homophony 46 47 2 4 5 6 7 9 Keys that share many common tones and chords are said to be nearly related Which of the following is NOT a component of sonata allegro form ground bass varying the melody over a repeating bass line When composers combine musical tonessuccessively we call the resulting series a melody If the relationship between two or more musical tones is simple and stable we call the combination consonant 3 If the relationship between two or more musical tones is complex and unstable we call the combination dissonant When a composer moves from one key to another the move is called a modulation Keys that share many common tones and chords are said to be nearly related If the relationship between tones is complex and unstable we call the relationship dissonant When composers combine

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