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Direct acting cholinergic mimic PNS neurotransmitter acetylcholine Open angle glaucoma Eye surgery Strabismus Mitotic Cholinergics Direct acting pilocarpine Pilocar Acetylcholine Miochal E Indirect echothiopate Sympathomimetics Mimic epinephrine and norepinephrine Open angle glaucoma epinephryl Epinal dipivefrin Propine prodrug to epinephrine Perioperative IOP relief Stimulate dilation enhances aqueous humor flow Ocular hypertension If enough gets into bloodstream systemic effects hypotension dysrhythmia tachycardia Atropine sulfate is antidote for systemic adverse reaction Burning lacrimation eye pain Photosensitivity due to pupil dilation Systemic rare HTN tachycardia Mydriatic Block beta1 receptors Vasodilate Reduce aq humor formation increase outflow Beta Blockers High IOP Heart block HTN cardiac issues Bradycardia Additive effects with other systemic beta blockers Transient eye discomfort Do not affect pupil size betaxolol Betoptic Can make asthma worse bronchospasm Systemic hypotension bradycardia Given as drops for eye problems olol suffix Carbonic anhydrase inhib Glaucoma Sulfa allergy Drowsiness tinnitus anorexia V D Osmotic diuretic Acute Glaucoma Osmotic gradient causes ocular hypotension Reduced intraocular fluid volume IOP Prostaglandin agonist Increase aqueous humor outflow Glaucoma latanoprost Xalatan travoprost Travatan Z Newest class of drugs for glaucoma Glycerin Mannitol bimatoprost Lumigan prost suffix bronchospasm Glycerin can cause hyperglycemia Fluid electrolyte imbalance N V D Permanent eye color change to brown Drops produce systemic effect if absorbed into bloodstream Single daily dose

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