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11 03 2012 I was married June 12 1976 true fact I love my wife My mobe is a red red rose poetry Myth a story that uses symbols to describe beyond all words Genesis does not say what genre it is How the question changes Not did it really happen But what might this language imply about what these paper believed about the nature of religious experience Imago dei we are made in the image likeness of god Parataxis ands Hypotaxis subordination According to genesis when was women created After at the same time as man According to genesis when were animals created Before and after Chapter 1 simultaneously man women animals 1st Chapter 2 man 1st woman 2nd animals 2nd Parataxis style characterized by and Hypotaxis chapter 2 verse 4 long sentence Redaction editing putting all stories together into No mass production of books The documentary for the composition of the Pentateuch first 5 books scrolls of bible The J jehova source or the yahwist 10th century BCE The P dominant source or priestly 6th century BCE The E source the elohist The D source the deuternomist The priesthy writes are also the man or Lecture 1 11 03 2012 Chapters 12 15 16 of Gensis pericope of Abram theophanies Genesis 15 1 21 o What was revealed to Abram Doesn t say seen as military leader but first theophany No idea o Why Abram happened prior o When and where At night light is changing o How in what form o How Abram felt Terrified but inspired o How Abram s felt since o How things have gone since Morning evening night luminal times when Characters in theophany echoes mary s theophany in Luke asked a question doesn t get to promise land Repetition Genesis 17 5 name change from abram to Abraham o And land holy land contemporary israrel o Circumcision practice of cleanliness something has to be given to divine o Patriarchal culture Isaac laughter Theophanies in the Pentateuch Genesis 15 1 21 God s covenant with Abraham Genesis 28 10 22 Jacob s Ladder Exodus 3 1 22 The Burning Bush o What is revealed a voice a presence a glimpse a vastness a love a promise o Why that person no particular reason often a person in crisis or with serious problems often the least likely o When and where Often night time twilight dawn often when the person is asleep often when the person least expects it often when the person is in crisis often in the wilderness or a borderland o How in what form Often through dreams or visions often a voice often through images or objects fire cloud mist light stars always temporary fleeting brief impossible to put into words or prove o How people feel terrified fearful overwhelmed full of doubts and questions full of joy and hope called changed transformed bruised wounded Exodus 33 12 23 the Cleft in the Rock Genesis 32 22 32 Jacob wrestling 11 03 2012 Priesthy rituals sacrifices 7th day for sabbatn rested in a list genesis chapter 2 the second creation story yawhist 1oth century the priesthy writes the genealogies the law the yahwist writes the main narratively angel inspiring matthew technologically incorrect the 5 books of genesis exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy o stories of patriarchs and of passion o myths legends folktale law genre redaction showing vs telling showing vs telling language Robert altr microscopic effect not primitive patterns Good questions Where are you Gen 3 9 Who told you Gen 3 11 What is that you have done gen3 13 Where is your brother Gen 4 9 What have you done Gen 4 10 Am I my brothers keeper Gen 4 9 cain asking Why does god favor cain over abel does not say in the bible 11 03 2012 Interpreting what you believe Gen 3 11 13 charater of adem and eve blaming 4 13 14 character of Cain 3 21 character of of God positive 4 15 character of God negative Adam and Eve Cain and Abel don t eat prohibition don t kill Violoation Question God asks Punishment Softening Justic Casuality Because you have are this Gen 3 14 I will greatly increase your bags in chil bearing eve your husband shall rule over you 3 16 eve cursed is the ground because of you 3 17 adam Theodicy why is there suffering Greek myth excrement occurs Always chaos heaven and earth somehow created Gods arise then humans God powerful but not all Powerful faith or morals sense of random The genesis myth suffering is our own choice God creates a perfect world and sets human being in it human beings have free will choose to violate boundaries suffering is punishment The major events and themes in the Christian bible 11 03 2012 Moses the passionate Covenant Exodus chapters 1 20 1200 BCE not sure if moses is alive David the monarchy and the temple 1 2 samuel 1000 BCE no evidence that aguid lived The exile and the hope for a new Messiah Jeremiah ezekial and Isaiah 587 BCE Jesus is the passion and new covenant 30 BCE 1000 BCE Moses and exile Versions were and became of bible during exile exile is like 9 11 REVIEW Genre form Myth story that symbol to describe a reality beyond all language OUTLINE OF BOOKS OF HEBREW SCRIPTURES The penetateuch or the torah Genesis exodus Leviticus numbers Deutoronomy The stories of the patriarchs and the Passover Myth legend folktake law sermon The prophets Principalry Joshua judges 1 2 samuel 1 2 kings The stories of the monarchy Lecture 6 bible lit Units in Genesis Chapters 1 11 preshistory and the fall Adam and eve cain and abel flood fall The Patricarchs the fathers Chapters 12 50 Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph Sarah Rebecca Rachael Leah Matriarchs their wives Legend myth with some possible historical connection Keeps up from being scandalized by exaggeration Theophanies experience of God Ex God enters in conversation with cain God speaks to Noah Chapter 5 21 22 Chapter 9 8 God renews covenant Covenant sacred bond Don t read literally Chapter 9 20 naked for seeing him naked Prohibition against drinking Peculiar periscope Chapter 11 4 7 Tower of babel Etiology story of where things came from origin Rainbow Human beings are allowed to eat meat humans and animals are not vegetarians Noah gets drunk and falls asleep and gets mad at his son that didn t see him Continuing theme of things getting worse even after covenant Inclusio something said at beginning is said at the end of a story Isn t inclusion more like parallelism Repeating phrase Genesis 12 1 Now the Lord said to Abram Go Theodicy Physical aspects isn t said or where Does not say anything or oppose Covenant involves of a promise land Promise land Canaan Chapter 12 10 Sarai attractive Theophany doesn t trust God lecture 11 03 2012 Chapter 22 the story

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