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Latin poet of the 1st century B C E Aristocratic family Catullus Worte lyric poetry and elegy Cicero against his work amoral Affair with Lesbia Clodia Relationships with women and men Juventius in his poetry he wants Aurelius to stay away from his boyfriend because Aurelius has a bad reputation he employs roman customs like punishment of shoving things up Aurelius anus to punish him Elegy Basically a formal lyric poem but not as personal as lyric originally songs of lament but lateer came to include a variety of subjects Vast range love poems inspirational poetry Meter most important elegiac couplets 1 line of hexameter 6ft followed by a line of pentameter 5ft note epic poetry dactylic hexameter Greek Elegy Mimnermus Tyrtaeus Latina Elegy Ovid Catullus Tibullus What is Satire Is the combination of humor and criticism to point out human follies Where did it come from Purely Roman Lucilius a writer of the 2nd century B C E roman republic was the inventor of satire according to Quintilian 1st C E Ennius was the 1st athor to use the term satura o Saturae means sausage a collection of all different kinds of works in different meters What characterizes Roman satire Humor criticism to human flaw Lucilius critical social in scope very focused Horace gentler conversational dactylic hexameter Juvenal indignation at moral decline he offends all equally

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UTSA CLA 2033 - Catullus

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