World Politics Final Study Guide Part I Chapter 7 Intergovernmental Organizations Alternative Governance AN OVERVIEW OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Types of International Organizations PowerPoint Function International actors countries compose them They provide an alternative to some of the traditional authority of sovereign states to govern themselves domestically and to determine the course of events in the state based system General United Nations and European Union Specialized Arab Monetary Fund Geographical Global World Bank Regional African Union Global General United Nations Global Specialized World Trade Organization Regional General European Union Regional Specialized Arab Monetary Fund Intergovernmental IGOs or nongovernmental organizations NGOs A History of IGOs first IGO Greek Delian League to create a unified response to the threat from Persia Theories of IGO Formation Early common humanity roots Pierre Dubois The Recovery of the Holy Land IGOs to promote peace Immanuel Kant Perpetual Peace Emeric Cruce Le Nouveau Cynee 1 Functionalism Begins with limited pragmatic cooperation on narrow nonpolitical Bottom up evolutionary approach Top down approach if you build it it will come issues delivering mail globally ex that leads to broader and higher levels of cooperation and trust later on politically sensitive issues along the path to comprehensive cooperation or even global government 2 Neofunctionalism Rejects the idea that global cooperation and the IGOs that go with it necessarily need to evolve from cooperation through IGOs that deal with functional issues like delivering mail and progressively build up to cooperation and IGOs related to security and other critical political issues Instead they believe if you create an IGO and give it the resources and the authority it needs to address central global problems countries ad their people will learn to trust and govern through these IGOs Need to establish independent and powerful IGOs to address current political issues quicker Origins of IGO s PowerPoint Belief in a community of humankind Developmental stages Hague System first part of 1900s League of Nations 1919 World War II United Nations 1945 after World War II Big power peacekeeping UN Security Council Pragmatic cooperation Wide range of specialized agencies Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine 1815 is the oldest The Growth of IGOs IGOs are modern Rapid growth in the number of all types of IGOs during this century Qualitative growth too Roles of IGOs are expanding and taking on new functions Reasons for Growth Increased international contact communication and technology evolution Increased interdependence Expansion of transnational problems Failure of state centered system to provide security Effort of small states to gain strength through joint action demanding development aid from EDCs Successful role models Roles That IGOs Play Interactive Arena Interactive arena where nations pursue self interest 1 Disadvantages of using IGO as an interactive arena IGO becomes focus of struggle and not forum for cooperation Reduced support for IGOs if they do not promote national interest goals 2 Advantages of use of IGO as an interactive arena Intergovernmentalism Using IGO makes it politically easier to take action Center of Cooperation Promote and facilitate cooperation on specific issues often nonpolitical Seek to build trust and solve social and economic issues that transcend national borders Regime Theory A complex of IGOs NGOs norms of behavior processes and treaties that govern national and international actors Create settings for interaction and cooperation The Regime for the Oceans and Seas Independent International Actor Permanent administrative IGO staff increases its authority and role Role of mediation and conciliation Organizational independence Supranational Organization Specialized Supranational Governance Ex World Trade Organization Regional Government Ex European Union World Government Far reaching alternative facing many criticisms Structuring a World or Regional Government Centralized federal or confederal government GLOBAL IGOs FOCUS ON THE UNITED NATIONS Best known and most influential IGO Structure and rules are important for success and are consistently being challenged Membership and Voting Membership Issues universal membership Standards for admitting new members The Palestinian Question can t vote but can debate Successor state status USSR Russia Russia inherited the USSR s permanent seat and veto on the Security Council Withdrawal suspension or expulsion Nationalist China Taiwan South Africa during apartheid policies violated UN Charter Voting Issues Formula for allocating votes 1 Majority Supermajority voting 1 state 1 vote M 50 plus one SM 1 3 It s not fair USA and Costa Rica which is not powerful have one vote each Population 2 Weighted voting population and wealth Imperial domination 3 Unanimity voting unanimous Veto proposals by any of the five permanent members of the Security Council Activities of the UN and Other IGOs Activities Promoting International Peace and Security Creating norms against violence charter limits war and armed forces Providing a debate alternative membership in IGOs lessens military conflict winning symbolic victories through the negotiation of differences in forums Diplomatic intervention to assist and encourage countries to settle their disputes peacefully Inquiry Good offices Mediation Arbitration Adjudication Promoting arms control and disarmament International Atomic Energy Agency promotes and monitors the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons Imposing sanctions Diplomatic and economic Peacekeeping Early 2007 UN had mounted 61 peacekeeping operations and they have utilized military and police personnel from most of the world s countries International forces have never been so active In 2006 there were 16 UN peacekeeping forces of varying sizes in the field at locations worldwide UN peacekeeping forces have suffered relatively few casualties UN was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1988 for these sacrifices and contributions to world order Expanding role from neutral buffers to military intervention to nation building efforts Regional IGO European Union Origins Joint work of two remarkable individuals both French Robert Schuman French Foreign Minister Jean Monnet head of French planning and pres of ECSC from 1952 55 The Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community ECSC signed on 18 April
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