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Developmental Psychology 2301 Chapter 11 Adolescence Adolescence o Significant changes o Growth Spurts o Pubertal Development Growth Spurts Girls o Begin at 10 1 2 peak growth rate at 12 o Growth rate slows at 13 Growth Spurts Boys o 2 3 years behind girls o Begin growing at 13 peak growth rate at 14 o 15 16 normal slower rate of growth Physical Changes o Girls hips widen o Boys broader shoulders o Both G B protruding forehead larger nose ears more prominent jaw Pubertal Development Sexual Maturation Girls o Breast buds appear at age 11 o Pubic Hair o Uterus especially muscles in the wall of the uterus develop fully o Average female 1st menstrual period within 6th months of 13th birthday o First year of period breasts and pubic hair fully formed Boys o Testes and scrotum enlarge at age 11 o Develop pubic hair o Rapid growth at 12 years o Penis development complete at 14 15 years capable of fathering kids Individual Differences Kids Vary o Early Developing Girl period at 11 years o Early Developing Boy May bud breasts as early as 7 8 years may get first Some reach complete sexual maturation at 11 years Psychological Impact of Pubertal Development Girls o Report their main concern is either being too tall heavy o Concerns about how large their hips are o Wonder if nose ears will stop growing be proportional to their face o Reaction to first period ambivalent mixed feelings o Excitement passage to being a woman o Anxiety how periods will make them feel physically o Mothers help girls with first period emotions the most Boys o Worry about being tall enough o Worry about proportions with muscle build o Want to be the right body build o Boys concern with body build positive affect popularity o Body Builds 1 Ectomorph thin fall in between with popularity 2 Endomorph think chubby least favored 3 Mesomorph muscular most popular Rate of Maturation o Early Late On Time o Early Maturing Boys o Late Maturing Boys o On Time Boys o Early Maturing Girls most favored popular by adults and kids least favored popluar by adults and kids Report being unsure of themselves socially inadequate Still are less confident sociable later in life compared to early maturing boys fall somewhere in the middle ease by class mates insecure and uncomfortable around older males in high school become more popular in between feel ignored Feel better about themselves Less self confident and outgoing insecure feel ill at most favored o Late Maturing Girls o On Time Girls Cognitive Development of Adolescence Formal Operations Piaget o Logical reasoning abstract reasoning o Systematic o Hypothetical deductive reasoning o Meta Cognition formulating arguments Critique of Piaget o Do all kids reach formal operations kids think about their own thinking become better at o Last stage of cognitive development able to engage in adult conversation Identity Self Concept Erikson o Identity vs Role Confusion o Kids vulnerable at this time for peer influence o No mistake we often times see early signs of schizophrenia o Aggression Delinquent Behavior o Possible Depression Identity Achievement vs Identity Diffusion kids not sure of identity not there yet Will figure it out on o Moratorium their own o Foreclosure following their own dreams ideas Kids will not be okay later in life will regret rebel Satisfactory kids accepted the influence of their parents instead of Autonomy Emotional Decision Making Values Morals 1 Emotional o Turn away from relying on parents for emotional support o Will turn to peers other adults outside immediate family o Adolescent kids now become a support for their parents o Detachment away from parents may be a stormy and stressful period Ann Freud o Adolescence Phallic Stage Conflicts o Need to repress these emotions again via arguments with parents become closer with peers and romantic partners o Most kids don t have phallic stage conflicts no stormy adolescence o Stormy periods usually relate to problems with parents before adolescence positive teenage experience o Authoritative Parents kids turn more toward negative peers are more o Authoritarian Parents defiant teens and have more conflicts with parents overly dependent on friends o Permissive Parents 2 Decision Making each decision 3 Values Kohlberg o Adolescence more rational about decision making turn to the best source for o Will turn to parents as opposed to turning away from parents o Develop views on political religious and moral values Kids understand abstract reasoning Think systematically about moral issues become conceptual Views on laws become conceptual ex do these laws violate ex justice human rights Move from viewing laws issues as concrete obeying law because it is the law to viewing them abstractly is this law just Pragmatic Abstract Reasoning Principles Autocratic Democratic Religious Views Practice Observance Ideological Spiritual Risky Behaviors Health Drug Use o USA most adolescent drug use than any other industrialized nation o 18 of high school seniors report elicit drug use other than alcohol o 60 of adolescence report having at least 1 alcoholic drink month o 30 report drinking more than 5 drinks in a row o 35 of college students report being heavy drinkers o Alcoholism o 25 000 people year are killed as a result of drunk driving o 1 4 million injuries due to drunk driving every year o 60 of domestic disturbances involve a male assaulting a female male is one of the top 10 leading causes of death in the USA under the influence of alcohol Factors linked to drug use o If parents use drugs the chance is high that the kids will use drugs o Permissive parents o The younger kids start using drugs the more likely they will continue to use drugs long term Juvenile Delinquency crimes o Kids have broken the law o Age violent crime predictor property crimes 15 18 years peak for these o Pattern of crime declines after 18 but stays steady through their 20s o Declines even more into 30s o Males more likely to commit crimes than females o Most victims of violent crimes in the US are adolescent males ages 16 19 majority being African American Factors contributing to Juvenile Delinquency o Community Neighborhood o Family Relations permissive parents Parents not good at supervising or controlling the child s behavior Conflicting Chaotic discipline patterns inconsistent and inappropriate rundown crime o Delinquents report feeling little attachment to their families could not identify with any family member Peer Oriented Therapy o Kids sent away for

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TEMPLE PSY 2301 - Chapter 11 – Adolescence

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