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Revolutions in a reactionary age Europe 1820 1870 1 Liberalism in England Laissez faire let the market be economics Corn Laws repealed the heavy tariffs on grain imports Liberalism and the legacies of 1789 and 1792 Reform not revolution Equal rights not equal fortunes Liberalism Where is liberalism strongest Nationalism usually strongest here Great reform Act of 1832 expansion of the franchise end of rotten Boroughs 2 Conservatism Desire to undo 1789 Voting rights are not universal Tariff reform lowering prices Composed of the working aristocracy Provincialism opposition to nationalism Land owning mentality 3 Radicalism in the age of Restoration or when reform isn t enough Luddites Neil Ludd British skill worker who led other workers to break machinery that were eliminating jobs Very shortlived movement Utopian socialists Charles Fourier founder and the phalanx phalanx units of several thousand people who produced consumed and exchanged goods internally This social structure would be utopian and changes the world revolution through organization and social planning not through violence disciples including Enfantin spread his ideas Nationalism tempered by desire for universal rights 4 Conservatives Triumphant on the Continent France The Bourbon Monarchy Restored Louis XVIII Charles X rights were being restored to the aristocracy German Confederation Metternich in charge suppresses nationalisms censors anything that creates a national sentiment Liberal discontent Free Trade 5 Triumph of the Liberals in England Anti Corn Law League But Popular Radicalism grows Peterloo Massacre 1819 Chartism movement to gain voting power for the working class in Parliament Plug Plot Riots 1842 a workers strike for higher wages 6 The French Revolution of 1830 Charles X replaced Louis Philippe in largely bloodless coup Louis Philippe promises to champion liberal causes Guizot Get Rich Instead his monarchy served to make the rich richer 7 Other Revolutions of the 1820 s and 1830 s Successes Modern Greece created Belgium created formed in resistance to King of the Netherlands 8 Failures Polish Revolt 9 The Hungry Forties Hardships of the early industrial era Insecurities in wage work Increasing enclosure Bad harvests bread prices increasing Irish potato famine The Young Marx and the early socialist movement 10 Revolution in France Feb 1848 July Monarchy ends Liberals and radicals unite to force out King Louis Philippe House of Orleans Second Republic established But quarrels between liberals and radicals 11 The Springtime of Peoples Calling of the Frankfurt Parliament Other 1848 Revolutions Berlin Vienna Budapest Rome Dresden Heroes Mazzini Garibaldi Enemies Bismarck and Friedrich Wilhelm IV Prussia Metternich and Franz Josef Austria 12 The June Days 1848 Revolutions begin to falter Reactionary regimes seize their opportunities Revolutions put down in Central Europe by Austrians together with Russians Liberals turn on the Radicals By 1851 the old monarchy is back Lecture 15 10 11 1 The German Question A France under Napoleon III The Second Republic ends Dec 1851 a plebecite vote was used to rethrone himself as a liberal Emperor of France Louis Napoleon becomes Napoleon II Emperor of the French Second Empire lasts 1851 1870 Universal Suffrage used against the radicals How much of the population could vote How much of the population could be taken care of by the state June 1848 the liberals turned on the radicals Haussmannization Modernizing Paris Transportation and Sanitation Rebuilding of Paris under Prefect of the Seine Baron Georges Haussmann 1853 1869 New Train Stations Wider Streets to prevent barricading allow better flow of traffic Overhauling of the Sewer system The City of Middle Class Leisure The Opera Caf life Parks The Boulevards e g the Champs Elysees The Louvre International Exhibitions Class Society Working Classes dangerous classes Separate suburbs for rich and poor Beginnings of mass working class organizations Middle Class fear of revolution II The Fate of Liberal Nationalism before 1848 Nations can coexist peacefully Nations are the people embodied Nations are culturally or linguistically determined The Deutschlandlied Deutschland uber alles Nationalism and the Multi Ethnic Austrian Empire How to draw borders Who are the people which people The special situation of the Hapsburg Empire The Italian Question and the German Question The Hungarian Polish Czech etc questions The German Question The Holy Roman Empire is gone what next The Austria dominated German Confederation and its discontents The Zollverein 1834 free trade zone of 13 German progressive states German liberal nationalism before 1848 Big vs Small Germany Big Germany capital in Vienna majority catholic ruled by the Hapsburg monarchy Small Germany capital in Berlin Majority 60 Protestant Dominated by the Hohenzollern Monarchy Conservative Realignment The Fall out from the June Days The Liberals side with the Conservatives The Conservatives decide they can use nationalism for their own purposes The Radicals go it alone Toward the Unification of Italy From the Napoleonic Era to the 1830s The Carbonari 1848 Giuseppi Garibaldi republican nationalism Camillo Cavour conservative nationalist strengthening the state The Risorgimento The Revival Centrality of the Kingdom of Piedmont Sardinia king Vittorio Emmanuelle II Hatred of the Austrians Cavour s Realpolitik Italy Unity Achieved Gradually and with help Addition of Lombardy 1859 Unification of North and South 1861 Addition of the Veneto 1866 Rome added 1871 King VE II of Italy Otto Von Bismarck Prussian Junker Creation of the Reichstag Olmutz and military reforms Bismarck becomes Chancellor 1862 with job of destroying liberal opposition Bismarck and Helmuth von Moltke Otto Von Bismarck German Nation Builder Bismarck s Realpolitik diplomatic pragmatism Building Germany not with words or music but with blood and iron Stealing Liberal ideas national unification social insurance Kulturkampf Culture Struggle with the catholics Franco Prussian War 1870 1 Napoleon II tricked into declaring war Prussian military superiority Swift advance then Prussians bogged down attacked by civilian guerillas franc tireurs Sedan Day Outcome for the French Plans for Revanche Revenge Fear of Decline New Worries about the French birthrate Sense that the nation has become Outcome for the Germans Unification and New Hubris Wilhelm I proclaimed Emperor of Germany in Hall of Mirrors at Versailles German

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LSU HIST 1003 - Revolutions in a Reactionary Age: Europe 1820-1870

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