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Second Industrial Revolution 1850 1900 Rena Levin History 102 Notes 8 1 First Industrial Revolution o Led by England o Use of Second Industrial Revolution o Led by Germany and US o Use of Coal Textile Iron Steel Electricity Petroleum Chemistry o German research facilities o Invention of Chemical dyes Explosives Alfred Nobel dynamite Nitrogen fixation Haber chlorine gas Pharmaceuticals Brockedon pills and capsules Ether and chloroform o US manufacturing facilities o Invention of Anesthetics Squibb Physics o Metal manufacture Bessemer Electricity o Electromagnetic fields Maxwell Dynamo electric generator Iron steel frames for skyscrapers Sullivan Skyscrapers relieve city sprawl giving vertical thrust Direct Current first used at Pearl St Station NYC for financial district executives to work late at night but gets weak quickly Alternating Current Tesla increases range and signal circuit strength o House electricity used to power refrigerators enhancing shelf life o Fans air conditioner Carrier created to help ink dry faster in print shops o Vacuum cleaners replace broom and dustpan o Sewing machine Singer for factory and home Mass production of clothing Lowers price of clothing Off the rack as opposed to tailor made Department stores 1 store for all your needs Creates employment especially for females Transportation o Street cars fewer animals leads to cleaner cities and streets o Commuter rail transportation elevated leads to more urban space and relocation to suburbs no need to live near work anymore New York s subway subterranean London s underground Paris metro o Velocipede rubber for tires Bicycles Liberation of women Fashion skirts slacks Safety enabling quick escape from assailant Tires originally brittle cracking easily Vulcanization Goodyear reduce metal on metal friction o Petroleum o Automobile Originally used to lubricate machine parts illumination medicine Found in massive quantities in Romania Pennsylvania Iran 4 Stroke Internal Combustion Engine Otto leading to self moving automobile Made in separate plants each part made in specialized shop 1890 s US Ford s Assembly Line Cars more affordable demand increases as price decreases Unskilled labor perform specialized repetitive tasks easy to train Hired ex convicts mentally challenged Policed certain plants Hired African Americans with glass ceiling Anti Semite Revolutionized production of automobile Standard product no variation Kerosene based engine Diesel carrying heavier loads 1890 s Ader creates external combustion engine EOLE 1887 Langley creates glider 1903 Wright Brothers use internal combustion engine o Powered flight Communication o Transatlantic Cable between Europe and America o Telephone Bell used to convey human voice and interaction over long distance o Radio waves Hertz o Radio transmission Marconi o Camera Eastman s Kodak Photography s cultural effect artists painters must now express themselves more personally less representative Cubism Surrealism o Cinema moving image silent films Nutrition and Medicine o Funk realizes lack of beneficial vitamins causes illness o Iron in the form of meat hits market bc of better livestock maintenance Increases female longevity o Clay iron pipes soaps antiseptics improves hygiene o Pasteurization of milk Pastor for diseases TB gastrointestinal afflictions and vaccinations for animal transmitted diseases anthrax rabies o Birth Most women died of puerperal fever following childbirth Semmellweiss works in maternity ward for poor and middle class women Lister wash hands and wear gloves not just after handling the dead and then delivering the newborn but also after surgeries etc Jenner injects cowpox into 8 year old boy so he won t get smallpox o Smallpox o Diphtheria Von Behring injects serum therapy into cattle Business Management o Corporations increase buy out small corps Vertical integration control entire industry keep all profits in house Taylor Principles of Scientific Management results in thinning workforce Fewer employees Higher wages Increased efficiency Lower production costs

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QC HIST 102 - Second Industrial Revolution

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