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11 8 12 65 BCE BACKGROUND The Arrival of Rome Herod the Great 167 BCE Rome first appears during revolt of the Maccabees against Greeks Hasmoneans make alliance with Rome and renew it over course of Hasmonean Dynasty o Obligation to act as aid to attacked party o Prohibition from helping enemy EG Seleucid Empire o Differences 1a Rome does not have to repay the Jews for their aid upper hand 1b Jews do not have that power lower hand 2a Jews must come to Rome s aid wholeheartedly mandatory 2b Rome must come to the Jews aid willingly seemingly voluntary o Why would the Jews agree to this seemingly inequitable arrangement o It was more advantageous than having no agreement or ally at all 67 BCE Salome Alexandra last Hasmonean ruler dies 2 sons fight over succession Rome weighs in on the decision to make Hyrcanus II o Loss of autonomy Rome chose Hyrcanus o Lose of title Rome s stipulation is that he is NOT recognized as king but as high priest Rome becomes more and more significant in Judean power 63 40 BCE Hyrcanus II s reign 40 BCE CHANGES stimulated by Rome within the elite of Judea Rome s presence begins to change administration of Judea o Herod the Great s family Comes from South Judea Population of Idumeans forcibly converted by Hasmoneans but not resistant Father Antipater converted o Antipater Herod and Phasael Antipater s second son all gain official positions under Rome s control who expect LOYALTY in exchange for political success Antipater governor of Judea Herod governor of Galilee north Phasael governor of Jerusalem o Rome carves Judea out to be much territorially smaller and politically now consisting of Judea Galilee Mountains surrounding it o Parthians based in Iran invade and conquer Judea they see that Rome is trying to take over get rid of people appointed by Rome they see it as extension of Roman s puppet act Phasael commits suicide Antipater is killed Hyrcanus II carted off to Parthia Persia Antigonus from Hasmonean line son of brother who lost to Hyrcanus II chosen by Parthians to be new leader Antigonus greeted with enthusiasm seen as legitimate leader from Hasmoneans portrays himself as good pious Jew EG mints coins with Jewish menorah on it Reigns for only 2 3 years o Herod survives Jewish administration purge runs to Rome Marc Antony presents him to Roman Senate as Rome s next ruler in Judea only hope to regain control of Judea with help of Romans if Herod succeeds he can be king of Judea recognized by Romans Herod succeeds in ousting Parthians and becomes king of Judea age 37 Stage I 63 40 Rome establishes local elites but works through established order Stage II 40 0 Rome s puppet show hand pick people as allies STAGES of ROMAN RULE Hyrcanus II Herod and Family Stage III 0 Rome gets rid of all local leaders uses own governors and procurators HEROD the GREAT Born in 70 BCE Established as king in 37 BCE Reigns for 40 more years Good PR Bad PR but ultimately successful king Jew No Jew Half Jew Year 1 of reign sets out to get rid of every last person of Hasmonean dynasty including wife Hasmonean princess Mariamm Hyrcanus II s daughter s entire family driven by paranoia o Massacre of the Innocents Herod has all newborn children murdered II Pharaoh Administration Aristocracy owing its prestige exclusively to him due to paranoia o Raises people to high priesthood who had never before had that status entirely indebted to him o Reforms how high priesthood is passed on Previously position held to life or until someone pays more money for it Currently Herod decides beginning and end of position held for brief period of time exclusive right of king for appointment o Re builds public spaces VS Hasmoneans did very little public building Fortress of Masada Outpost for Herod to hide in case of rebellion Existed as desert retreat made by Hasmoneans Sebaste new town Populated largely by pagans Caesarea Previously Strato s Tower Becomes leading port of Mediterranean for bringing goods and Jews into Judea Helps make Judea center of Jewish people for people who lived outside Judea Entire city of Jerusalem Temple Mount Temple became one of the biggest architectural structures under Roman Empire awk for Rome o Outside Judea Athens Greece Other parts of Roman Empire o MOTIVES Network of fortresses self preservation Rebuilding of Jerusalem and Temple self identifies as Jew wants own city to be grand Pagan Support self identifies as king of non Jewish areas in Judea as well opposite of Hasmonean Dynasty Outside Judea wants recognition as king from world works in international mode Loyal leader to Rome ran plans by government etc

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QC HIST 114 - The Arrival of Rome & Herod the Great

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