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5 2 2014 PSYC 2101 Notes Microsoft OneNote Web App The Five Factor Model and Personality Disorders Tuesday February 04 2014 7 58 PM Normal Personality Functioning Personality A person s characteristic way of thinking feeling and behaving Large order facets are stable throughout the lifespan Some research suggests lower order facets are not as rigid as once thought Research suggests that it is genetically heritable Flexibility to be flexible Personality also comes from experiences interactions with families friends and surroundings Able to change responses based on these interactions Stable but flexible Five Factor Model of Personality Lexical Hypothesis Descriptors of most important personality characteristics found in language Words that describe people Ex happy sad angry talkative quiet helpful nice friendly adventurous mean etc Factor analysis of personality related words in dictionary yields roughly 5 major traits Five Factor Model ON TEST Neuroticism anxiousness hostility depressiveness a 2nd order facet self consciousness impulsiveness vulnerability Extroversion warmth gregariousness assertiveness activity excitement seeking positive emotionality Openness to experience fantasy aesthetics feelings actions ideas values Agreeableness trust straightforwardness altruism compliance modesty tender mindedness Conscientiousness competence order dutifulness achievement striving self discipline deliberation OCEAN Neuroticism Tendency to experience negative emotions Emotions moody Depression anger anxiety Prone to experiencing distress Emotional instability Self consciousness Related to Substance abuse disorders depression eating disorders Extraversion Tendency to be dominant in social situations Outgoing talkative center of attention Optimism Gregarious Experience positive emotions Related to Substance Abuse Openness To Experience Active seeking and appreciation of experiences for their own sake Open Minded Willing to entertain new ideas Intellectual Curiosity Willing to entertain new ideas Art emotion adventure Willing to listen to different opinions Related to drug use some evidence related to schizophrenic personality disorder Interpersonal interactions characterized by compassion How well one gets along with others how much one cares about others Agreeableness Modesty Warmth Altruism Conscientiousness Degree of organization persistence control and motivation to goal directed behavior Comprised of Organization Deliberation Goal Directedness achievement striving https onedrive live com edit aspx resid 7AF35F2B369F2BE4 1552 cid 7af35f2b369f2be4 app OneNote wdo 2 1 5 5 2 2014 PSYC 2101 Notes Microsoft OneNote Web App Low Conscientiousness related to Substance abuse disorders scores on conscientiousness related to school performance Self Discipline Ability to plan ahead Dutifulness Replications Replicated in many cultures German Chinese Russian Genetically heritable Stable throughout lifespan Sensation seeking tends to decrease with age Conscientiousness tends to increase with age Agreeableness tends to increase with age Personality Disorders When does personality become abnormal Inflexibility When inner experiences and outward behavior cannot be modified by individual to meet the needs of the environment Can t develop interpersonal relationships etc DSM IV TR Personality Disorder 1 Endearing pattern of inner experiences and behavior that deviates markedly from expectations of culture Important to consider culture because cultures set the norms Norms vary by culture deviant behaviors are different ex emotional expression 2 Pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations 3 Pattern is stable and long lasting 4 Significant distress or impairment Previously coded on Axis II in DSM IV TR Axis II considered to be lifelong disorder separate form Axis II anxiety depression etc Research suggests not true DSM V has no axis Putting on Axis II suggested untreatable and difficult Personality Disorders DSM 5 Assessment of impairment Evaluation of pathological personality traits Impairments in personality functioning and trait expression are relatively inflexible and pervasive Relatively stable over time Trace back to adolescence early adulthood Not better explained by another mental Disorder Not better accounted for by a normal developmental stage given client s sociocultural environment DSM 5 Disturbances in Self and Interpersonal Functioning Self identity and self direction Identity unique clear distinction self esteem Regulate range of emotional experiences Self Direction meaningful long short term goals Self Respect Interpersonal empathy and intimacy Empathy appreciation for other s thoughts and feelings Intimacy desire for close relationships Five Broad Pathological Personality Traits Negative Affectivity pleasurable engagement Detachment withdrawal Antagonism put you at odds Disinhibiting impulsivity not thinking Psychoticism unusual bizarre thoughts How does personality become disordered Categorical Approach Trying to move a scale May or may not meet all or nothing standpoint creates issues in insurance Present vs Absent Individuals typically meet criteria for more than one personality disorder Dimensional Approach Each key trait varies on a continuum Severity across categories can be different No specific boundary between normal and abnormal Maladaptive low Agreeableness Low Conscientiousness Low Openness to Experience High Neuroticism https onedrive live com edit aspx resid 7AF35F2B369F2BE4 1552 cid 7af35f2b369f2be4 app OneNote wdo 2 2 5 5 2 2014 PSYC 2101 Notes Microsoft OneNote Web App low Extroversion DSM IV TR Personality Disorder Clusters Cluster A odd or eccentric cluster paranoid schizoid schizotypal Cluster B dramatic emotional erratic cluster antisocial borderline narcissist histrionic Cluster C fearful or anxious avoidant dependent obsessive compulsive Facts and Statistics Prevalence of Personality Disorders About 5 to 2 5 of the general population Rates are higher in inpatient and outpatient settings Tend to seek treatment Origins and course of personality disorders Thought to begin in childhood Tend to run a chronic course if untreated Genetics GXE Genetics and Environment Borderline Personality Disorder Born with emotional vulnerability and sensitivity feel emotions strongly extreme If coupled with environment in which emotions are invalidated no one comforts neglectful abusive parents Tend to develop into BPD Higher risk with both

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