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Geography 1003 Human Geography Africa and Asia Multiple choice questions 24 Fill in the paragraph 2 essays on Book and Movie word bank Exercises using charts and graph population pyramid and demographic Confucianism philosophy developed by Confucius in 6th century Confucius create a philosophy to generate stability Code of proper social conduct Here and now Behavior and education Confucianism functioned in China as a code of proper social conduct Ideographic writing in East Asia each symbol character represents an idea rather than a sound Japan Korea and Vietnam use similar adopted system Loess eroding of dry region in NORTH CHINA PLAIN Fine winter wind blown sediment that was deposited on this upland area during the Ice Age Soil of plateau goes into the yellow river Huang He because it s easily washed away Sediments come from Gobi desert Climatic patterns cause loess wind blown sediment from the Gobi desert to accumulate here Plateau s serious erosion problem and its contribution to the Yellow river s characteristic color Mandarin government officials are selected by competitive examinations Based on you doing well on a standardized test Got good enough score then you can be part of government Mandarins were government officials chosen by passing competitive examinations Spheres of influence China was divided European countries prevailed Colonial power had no formal political authority European powers Britain and France and Japanese opened China s ports for greater foreign trade carving spheres of influence for themselves in China Seasons different places on earth where earth is giving solar radiation Winter solar is greater in the southern hemisphere Max at equator Spring Vernal solar is equal in both hemisphere Summer solar is greater in the northern hemisphere Max at equator Autumn solar is equal in both hemisphere Levels of solar energy input air pressure and precipitation move north and south with the seasons Inter Tropical Convergence Zone ITCZ moves north and south with the seasons and what affect it has on the weather Having HIGH AIR PRESSURE and hot temperatures NORTH AND SOUTH Main reason for areas around the equator being deserts Generates huge amounts of EXCESS heat LOW PRESSURE AND RAIN Population pyramid GRAPHICAL WAYS OF DESCRIBING POPULATION High pressure low precipitation Low pressure high precipitation Young and growing population One with a stable population Large elderly population Up and down are age groups Size is how many people are in age group Wide base at bottom is young population Wide at top is old population Even throughout chart is stable Demographic transition model UNDERSTAND THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VARIABLES Low high death rate and low birth rate High low death rate and high birth rate Stage 1 preindustrial low population high death and birth rate Stage 2 transitional growing population decreasing death rate Stage 3 transitional growing population lowering birth and death rate Stage 4 industrial high population low birth and death rate East Asia most of the majority living and working MODERNIZATION North China Plain agricultural area and industrial zones the Chinese coast densely populated along Beijing to Shanghai and Sichuan basin surrounded by Tail Mountains are heavily populated Western China is not DEATH fall quickly food economics BIRTH Migration families West China high and mountains Tibetan Plateau deserts mountains and steppers NW Urban areas in other East Asian countries like the line of cities across central Japan are very populous Mountainous forested countryside in Japan Pacific Taiwan urban primacy and South Korea urban primacy isn t China still has a majority rural population Japan South Korea and Taiwan are highly urbanized High percentage of Japan s population is elderly FUTURE OF ECONOMY Elderly will die People aren t having as many children Negative population growth China communist and Taiwan China communist won Anti communist went to Taiwan North communist and South Korea North tried to conquer the south American and China got involved 2 governments each claim to be the rightful rulers of China and Korea These splits are the result of civil wars between Communist and anti Communist China s land area has grown and shrunk over the centuries Earliest states were in loess plateau and north china plain Although dynasties controlled the entire core area of china as well as tarim basin in Xinjiang Before 1600 china only had control of Tibet or central and northern Manchuria Tibet and Xinjiang have not always been part of China Independent countries until recently Either part of china or not Provinces of china tension related to modern china part of china but not historical connection China socialist inward looking economic development under the Communist party and Mao Zedong Opened to trade and is getting better After Mao s death shifted to greater connection to the global capitalist economy 1 Great leap forward rapid rural industrialization a Used to catch up to rest of the world resulting in a famine and disaster 2 Great proletarian cultural revolution a Communist party ate itself alive people fought over who should run things b Educated a lot of people reunified country and other good things Changes to Shanghai port city access in 1800s during China s economic boom Showcase of china economy Skyscraper district manufacturing banking Transformed by investments Historical reason why there s still political tension between Japan and China Japan saw Europe growing and getting more powerful Out of fear of being taken over Japan started to take land over China Chinese thought lightly of japan in early 1900s Japan invaded china and killed millions Japanese were brutal on the Chinese Japanese people deny the events ever taking place Chinese are bitter about the non acceptance Grievances Chinese farmers have with the government Land seizures government owns all the land taxed farmers subcontract High taxes Labor workers fight the taxes as much as they can while starting demonstrations Corruption Gov can take land whenever there is a moneymaking opportunity Weakening of public services like health care AIDS villages of Henan province HIV inflected China DATES Very populated and poor area The area became one big blood donation People would get paid for each time they gave blood Improper use of needles and blood Almost everyone in the province has the virus Medical mal practice Local level government people Nasty blood bank 1840 s opium

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LSU GEOG 1003 - Human Geography: Africa and Asia

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