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Classical Approaches Industrial Revolution o Before goods produced by a single person IR changed that People did specialized jobs in factories o Business people and scholars tried to Make sense of this change Find ways to be more efficient Machine Metaphor o Organizations as machines Early theorists adopted this metaphor o Metaphors can highlight What something is like What something is not like o Specialization Division of labor o Standardization o Predictable Henri Fayol s Theory of Classical Management o 2 influential aspects of his work 1 Elements of management What managers should do 2 Principles of management How management can best function Elements of Management o Planning How to achieve objectives o Organizing Arrange employees o Command o Coordination Set tasks o Control Evaluate Synthesize tasks Principles of Management Organizational Structure o Scalar chain Vertical hierarchy Communicate with people 1 level below and 1 level above o Unity of command o Unity of direction Same goal same supervisor o Span of control Limit managing Fayol s Principles of Power o Centralization o Authority and Responsibility Determined by rank o Discipline o Overall Employees follow rules Boss makes decisions and rules Employees do what they re told o Rewards Financial motivation o Equity o Tenure Stability To an extent o Overall Fair application of rewards Relative job security Fayol s Principles of Organizational Attitude o Subordination of individual interest o Espirit de corps Spirit of body Body Organization Considering Fayol s Ideas o Fayol s theory is prescriptive What ought to occur o Doesn t adequately describe or explain Not reflective of most organizations Maximilian Weber o Weber s Theory of Bureaucracy A classical management theory o 6 Main Tenants First 3 Similar to Fayol Clearly defined hierarchy Division of labor Centralized power Remaining 3 Tenants Closed Systems o Technical Core Importance of Rules o Codified Functioning of Authority o Traditional Authority o Charismatic Authority o Rational legal Authority Frederick Taylor s Theory of Scientific Management New workers learn from senior workers o Focus differs from Fayol and Weber Not on organizations as a whole o He focused on Manager employee relationship The way work is done o 1 Observational Learning o 2 Problems of Piecework 1 cent per 5 bricks Led to systematic soldiering o Scientific Management 1 One best way to do every job Time and motion studies 2 Proper selection of works Scientific selection 3 Proper training of workers 4 Inherent difference between managers and workers o Implications According to Taylor Uneven work will be eliminated Systematic soldiering eliminated Standards set o Based on time and motion studies Focus on Communication o Content of communication Task related No relational communication No innovative communication o Direction of Communication Downward vertical flow o Channel of communication Written o Style of communication Formal Charlie Chaplin Modern Times Movie Perceiving Others Perceiving Others o How does person perception work o Challenge Intuitions Video o Identify subjective nature of perception Perception o Selecting organizing and interpreting info Selecting Focus our senses o Salience Degree of attention What makes communication salient Visually or audibly stimulating Goals related to the communication Organizing Organization o Structuring information Punctuation o Creating chronological sequence o Differences are common source of conflict Interpretation Assigning meaning o Draw on previous experience Schemata o Mental structures of expectations Attributions o Explanation Internal attributions o Attributions related to a person External attributions o Attributions unrelated to the person Fundamental attribution error o Others behavior Due to internal cause Actor observer effect o Own behavior Self serving bias o For my behavior Due to external cause Good internal attribution Bad external attribution o For others behavior Good external attribution Bad internal attribution o Forming Impressions o Interpersonal impressions Idea of who people are They affect o Communication o Behavior o Relationships o Gestalt In the form of Overall positive or negative impression Form rapidly Draw on schemata What are the positives or negatives for forming gestalts Halo effect If positive gestalt o Positive attribution Horn effect If negative gestalt o Negative attribution Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs o People have a variety of needs o Have to satisfy lower level needs first o Needs can be used to achieve org goals Physiological needs Earning a living wage Safety needs Safe and healthy working conditions Affiliation needs need to belong Social relationships with co workers Bond with company Esteem needs External Internal o Compensation and recognition o Challenging job o Perception of importance Self Actualization Reach your full potential Theory X Y in Practice o Sager quote Superior Communicator Style Variables o Dominant o Supportive o Anxious o Impression leaving o Closed o Nonverbally expressive Method o Participants 279 Human Relations Approached o Not always supported o Potential pitfall Danger of lip service Asking for advice Human Relations Communication Work can fulfill higher order needs This increases job satisfaction o Satisfaction doesn t guarantee productivity o Content of communication o Direction Task Relational Vertical Horizontal o Channel Emphasis on FtF Better address relational communication o Style More informal Break down barriers Human Resources o Understand totality of employee contributions Focus on Thoughts and ideas Productivity AND worker satisfaction o Think about productivity and worker satisfaction on continuums Blake and Mouton o Managerial Grid Leadership that promotes Productivity and satisfaction o From 1 low to 9 high Concern for workers o From 1 low to 9 high Concern for productivity Prototypes o Impoverished Management Low concern low productivity o Country Club High concern low productivity o Authority Compliance Low concern high productivity o Team Management High concern high productivity Petty Tyrant How did he gain compliance o Thinking of Maslow s hierarchy Physiological Safety Relational Esteem Self actualization Not so much this need How did Steve have his needs met o Never really met How could he have been stopped sooner o Different organizational structure o If he wasn t the union leader What were the organizational breakdowns o Boss and Union

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OSU COMM 3325 - Classical Approaches

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