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Chapter 11 Muscle Physiology Muscle Characteristics 1 Excitability response 2 Conductivity Ability of the cells to be stimulated by chemical signal Carries electrical signal Local electrical change triggers away of excitement quickly around the cell 3 Contractility Ability to shorten whenever it s stimulated contract to pull bone together 4 Extensibility Stretchability When recoils its able to return to normal state 5 Elasticity Types of Muscles Skeletal 100 micrometer in diameter 3 cm long Striated contractile portion of proteins Voluntary nervous input to cause contraction never attached to bone Multiple Nuclei close to plasma membrane no gap junctions do not have auto efficiency Endo Epi Perimysium covered Cardiac 50 100 micrometers in length Striated shorter than skeletal Involuntary Single nucleus usually have gap junctions hold heart together Endomysium Smooth 300 200 micrometer length 5 10 in width Only in heart No striations Involuntary One nucleus middle of cell gap junctions Endomysuim

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MCC BIO 201 - Muscle Physiology

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