Important for glycoproteins glycolipids nucleotides amino acids Chapter 26 Nutrients Nutrients Carbs 440 g 325 g muscle as glycogen 90 100 g liver as glycogen 15 20 g blood as glucose and fats Hypoglycemia low blood sugar Hyperglycemia high blood sugar RDA 125 g 175 g brain uses 120 g glucose a day soda white bread white potatoes High GI 70 Low GI 55 High Low easier on the body Fiber RDA 30 g Fibrous material that resist digestion Water soluble lowers LDL cholesterol Water insoluble bulks up stool Lipids Stored energy more calories in smaller space Fat soluble Vitamins A K D E 15 of fat in males 20 of fat in females No more than 30 calories should come from fat C C H H H H C C H H C H C H Lipoproteins H H H H Chylomicrons transport lipids in blood VLDLs convert to LDL desposits cholesterol into cells HDL removes cholesterol High cholesterol 240 mg dl Borderline 200 239 mg dl Normal 200 mg dl Excerise to lower your cholesterol Exercise ADP Blood volume dilutes lipoprotieins Adipocytes VLDL Lipoproteins Lipase HDLS removes VLDLs Overall Cholesterol Proteins RDA 44 60 g 0 37xWt in Ibs 12 15 body mass Essential amino acids have to eat Complete proteins have all EAA Complete proteins lack 1 or more EAA Minerals inorganic elements Small organic molecules for metabolism Vitamins Chapter 26 Metabolism Glycogen Metabolism Glycogen into glucose Glycogenolysis hydrolysis of glycogen Stimulated by epinephrine glycogen Glycogenesis Synthesis of glycogen Stimulated by insulin Gluconegensis Lipogeneisis Synthesis of glucose from non carbohydrates like glycerol AAS Formation of fat Using sugars AAS to synthesize glycerol fatty acids plyroricacid Glycerol PGAL CAC as much ATP as glucose Fatty acid C2 acetyl COA CAC Ketogenesis Formation of ketone bodies Glucose Catabolism turns into glucose 1 Glycolysis glucose broken down into 2 pyruvic acid molecules 2 Happens in cytoplasm 3 No O2 requirement 4 1 glucose molecules yeild 2 ATPs 2 NADH H O2 present Yes No Aerobic Repiration Anerobic repiration formation Oxidizes pyruvic acid into CO2 H2O Lactic Acid Glucose Pa Pa Acetyl COA Acetyl COA CAC CAC 6 Co2 2 ATP 8 NADH H 2 FaDH2 He Glucose Pa Pa Acetyl COA Acetyl COA CAC ADP PI 6 Co2 2 Fadh 2 ATP ATP 2 ATP glucose 8 NADH H 2 FaDH2 CAC Nadh 3ATP Atps Chapter 26 Nutrition and Metabolism Nutrition start of all human functions Regulation of Appetite Ghrelin produces hunger sensation causes hypothalamus to secrete GH in anticipation of feeding Peptide yy tells body it is full Secreted by enteroendocrine cells of the ileum colon Cholecystokinin CKK produced ny enteroendocrine cells of duodenum jejunum Increases bile pancreatic enzyme secretion Leptin tells body how much fat stores it has concentration is proportional to fat stores Insulin tells cells to take in glucose
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