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Chapter 7 Skeletal Physiology Functions of the Skeleton 1 Support 2 Protection 3 Movement 4 Electrolyte 5 Acid base balance 6 Blood formation Flat bone Not long or short but flat Has an outer compact bone spongy bone middle Long bone fore arm longer than the width Short bone carpals equal in length and width Irregular bone don t fit any of the other types vertebrae Bone Cells Osteogenic cells Stem cells Osteoblast cells forming cells Osteoclast cells Dissolving cells Osteocytes cells former osteoblast that have been trapped in the matrix were they developed Organic made by osteoblast collegen glycosamin oglycons proteoglycons glycoproteins Inorganic Hydroxyapatite calcuim phosphate calcuim carbonate Na Mg K Fl etc Inner Bone Interstitial growth lengthening Appositional WideningInterstitial growth lengthening Appositional Widening Matrix Mineral Deposition Reabsorption Deposition Osteoblast lay down collagen fibers take Ca Po4 from blood deposit it in the matrix must have right levels Reabsorption Osteoclast dissolve bone release it into the stream Hypocalcemia Low Ca blood levels Hypercalcemia High Ca blood levels Calcitriol Increased blood calcium levels Interstitial growth lengthening Appositional Widening

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MCC BIO 201 - Skeletal Physiology

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