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Chapter 1 1 Anatomy study of structure Physiology study of function Inductive method repeats or like one item in particular Hypothetical reductive method has to be testable and falsifiable by evidence consistent with what is known Sample size increase of subjects to decrease the error variability Controls treated vs untreated Psychosomatic effect placebo Experimenter bias want a particular outcome Statistical testing power Fact reproducible results Law generalization about a situation Theory explanatory statements about facts laws and confirmed hypothesis Hierarchy of complexity Organism single complete individual Organ system group of organs Organs structure of two or more tissues Tissues masses of similar cells that form a region function Cells smallest unit of life Organelles microsoftic structure of a function Molecules compose of many atoms Atoms smallest particle Negative feedback senses change activate the change Positive feedback change amplify and increases change and the change hormone Ventrally front Atlas A Dorsally back Supnated palm up Pronated palm down Frontal Plane divides front to back Transverse Plane cuts in half Sagital section cut body left and right Cavitys Cranial cavity brain Vertebrae Canal spine Dorsal Pelvic cavity Thoracic cavity chest abdominal cavity stomach abdominal pelvic Thoracic cavity consist of pleural cavity lung mediastinum middle pericardial cavity heart diaphragm muscle Ventral front belly Dorsal back back Anterior toward ventral Posterior toward dorsal Cephalic toward the head Rostral toward forehead or nose Caudal toward tail Superior above Inferior below Medial toward medial plane Lateral away from medial plane Proximal closer to the point of attachment or origin Distal farther away from point of attachment or origin Ipsilateral on same side of body Contra lateral opposite side of the body Superficial closer to the body surface Deep farther from the body surface

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MCC BIO 201 - Chapter 1-1

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