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HSCI 1105 Review for the Cumulative Final Chapters 1 3 Know which nutrients are macronutrients and which are micronutrients Know the 3 general functions of nutrients Know how many kcal g each macronutrient as well as alcohol yield and be able to calculate the percent of kilocalories from macronutrients you may need a calculator for this question Know the ABCDs of Dietary Assessment Know the 5 methods for assessing Dietary intake their strengths and weaknesses and know which method is best for each of the following large population studies of average intake comparing the mean intake of two groups long term large cohort studies studying the relationship between diet and disease and to assess an individual s actual intake Know the 6 core nutrition concepts Know the AMDRs for Adults the percentage ranges for the macronutrients Know the following from the Dietary Guidelines DG o The two overarching concepts behind the DGs o The physical activity recommendations for adults From the 2008 PA Guidelines that are incorporated in the DGs o Food food components to increase reduce and by what quantities when speci ed i e sodium 2300 mg d How long it takes for your stomach to tell your brain your full Understand how My Plate for Older Adults and how it is geared to the speci c needs of older adults Be able to de ne the following o The various types of nutrient reference levels DRI EAR RDA AI UL o Daily Value remember reference level is only used on food labels o Essential nutrient Know the primary and assisting organs involved in digestion and their function Know the function of bile Role of HCl in digestion constipation etc Know the function of the lymphatic system and what it transports know it bypasses the liver and eventually joins the blood system Review the common GI disorders discussed including treatment ie GERD Food labels supplements functional foods Know the ve mandatory components of a food label Know on the nutrition facts panel which nutrients should limit and which need to get enough of sodium fat and calories Know what is meant by the terms low reduced less light and free for What are phytochemicals and what are their purported properties Understand the regulation category of GRAS Know the Delaney Clause Understand that supplements of a single nutrient might affect the status of other nutrients Carbohydrates polysaccharides within the body Know the origin of glucose in plants Know the monosaccharides and disaccharides and 3 types of Know the storage form of carbohydrate in people and the main storage sites Know what organ requires glucose as a fuel source Know the organs enzymes and products involved in carbohydrate digestion Know the 2 types of ber their properties and their bene cial physiological roles in our GI tract Know the recommendation for ber of 14 g 1000 kcal consumed Know the effect insulin glucagon and epinephrine have on our blood glucose i e increases or decreases Understand what glycemic index and glycemic load measure Be able to recognize the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes Know what can cause ketosis in our body and how to prevent it the minimum amount of carbohydrate needed in your diet Lipids absorption Know the organs enzymes carriers involved in lipid digestion and Know the 3 types of lipids and examples of their roles in the body Know what foods we nd cholesterol in What are cholesterol s functions within the body Know the names of the 2 essential fatty acids Know sources of omega 3 fatty acids Know the difference between LDL and HDL Know what affects whether a fat is solid or liquid at room temperature Know how hydrogenation affect fats what type of fat do we hydrogenate and what may occur during the process of hydrogenation Know the negative health consequences of trans fats Proteins Know how proteins are digested and absorbed within the body what enzymes are involved What are the functions of proteins in our bodies De nitions of complete and incomplete proteins examples of foods What are complementary proteins examples What nutrients are of concern to vegetarians Know there are 9 essential amino acids What is positive negative nitrogen balance examples of situations What is the RDA for protein for a typical adult Name of severe protein malnutrition disease Metabolism Know the 2 key electron acceptors involved in transferring electrons to the electron transport chain What are the 4 main pathways of carbohydrate breakdown which pathways require oxygen and which do not Know the fate of pyruvate when oxygen is in short supply Know where the main site of ATP production is Understand the beta oxidation of fatty acids Understand the process of extracting energy from protein and what the fate is of both the nitrogen and the carbon skeleton Know which energy substrate glucose fat amino acids or alcohol yields the most ATP Fat burns in a ame of carbohydrate when adequate carbohydrates are not present fat metabolism is incomplete and ketones are produced Understand the body s priorities and stages of fasting starvation Alcohol Understand how alcohol is absorbed and metabolized organs and enzymes involved max rate of metabolism by liver role of pantothenic acid Know how many calories it provides Know why women are affected more by alcohol than men Understand the disturbances alcohol causes in liver function Know the recommendations re pregnancy Know the effects on nutrient status Energy Balance and obese Know the BMI classi cations for underweight normal weight overweight o What type of overweight is most detrimental android vs gynoid Total Energy Expenditure BMR TEF AEE o which contributes the most to the total energy expenditure o what factors may increase or decrease BMR o how is TEF estimated Vitamins Understand the differences between fat soluble and water soluble vitamins in absorption transport and storage Fat soluble vitamins Understand the main functions of each vitamin and the main disease condition associated with de ciency Understand how the body synthesizes vit D the activation of vit D and the major food sources of vit D in the US diet Understand how vitamin D in uences the regulation of blood calcium concentrations Know the 2 major roles of vitamin K 2nd is role in bone health Know which fat soluble vitamin is also considered a hormone Know which vitamins including the carotenoids are considered antioxidants Know which 2 of the 4 fat soluble vitamins have known toxic side effects if consumed in excess amounts above the UL Toxicity

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NU HSCI 1105 - Chapters 1-3

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