KIN 1600 09 23 2013 The strategies are designed to be non confrontational 13 Types of Difficult People 1 Doom Gloom Will say anything to make their victim feel bad Will spread fear depression How to deal with them When they are talking to you and they start their doom and gloom you say I d love to stay and chat with you but there is something important I have to take care of right now C Y A Carry Your Ass Question on test with which particular person do you CYA When you do this you are saying I m not doing this to myself The Bully 2 The Intimidator The most common way younger by sheer physical size Other ways the use of anger of negativity of sarcasm a mean expression or aggressive body posture The bully is a great studier of people The reason they can do what they do is because they know how people will react and they plan what to do How to deal with them Change your reactions You put the concept of doubt into their head 3 The Energy Thief A one upper They burn their own mental energy and try to steal someone else s Love to hear the sound of their own voice talk a lot Usually talk about negative things and negativity is usually very If it was socially acceptable you would see them talk to inanimate objects contagious they gossip anything to keep you around How to deal with them Don t get into a conversation with them in the first place Stop and say I understand By saying this you are not agreeing you are just saying you understand the words in English that are coming out of their mouth If you want to be taken seriously don t use so many words use less words talk less so that what you say when you do say it has some substance to it 4 Mr or Miss Obnoxious Want attention Handle them ignore them When you ignore them and walk away they will say something personal or nasty to you so you will come back to them they want to be the center Don t ever share your deep personal secrets with an energy thief or someone obnoxious because when it comes to an argument they ll spill 5 The Criticizer Critical of everybody but themselves sometimes are rude enough to be Look at them sincerely and say I can see your point I m going to look into of attention everything critical to your face it When somebody criticizes you we automatically argue or complain but that is not good for them Agree with them and look into it and then do whatever you want 6 The Judge They give you their opinion on everything make you join in on being judgmental which isn t bad in us but as soon as we verbalize it we are mean They want your opinion whether they ask for it or not Worst characteristic to have because the concept causes war and strife How to deal with them To Kill a Mockingbird You can t judge a person until you walk in their shoes the Bible Judge not lest ye be judged Get these themes across with your behavior 3 questions Is what you about to say true Is what your about to say kind Is what your about to say necessary 7 The Trash Man Woman The person that wants to dump their trash one you You take the bait because they will call you with some story like you are the smartest person I know you re my best friend or some other ego Two things can happen it will work and they will come back or it won t work and they will blame you for whatever happens Fixing your friends problems is not a rule of friendship we should not feel like we have to do that because we already have so many problems on boost your own True change comes from within true motivation comes from how Sometimes we make ourselves the trash can which can frustrate us when prepared you are to change they don t change 8 The Persister They bother you until you give in Only one way to deal with them which is to hang up 9 Moan and Groan Precursor for number 7 They whine a lot They want you to know that the burden they have in their life is more than any human being can have and they need help Body posture and voice tone says please feel sorry for me Moan until you say what is the matter and then you become a trash can DO NOT ASK WHAT THE MATTER You can give them a shoulder to cry on or stay at your place and be sympathetic but do not go along with them feeling sorry for themselves 10 The Moocher Favorite word in the dictionary is free Wants something for nothing You can give a hungry person a meal but there is a difference between that and mooching and you have to set the line wherever that may be You are stripping someone of dignity Best thing you can do for them is to continue to tell them to be self reliant however it can lead to conflict when you cut them off 11 The Scorekeeper When you do something for someone you can not expect something back Only do something for someone because you want to not because you hope that it is nice or they will do something for because if you wait for them to reciprocate they will not do it well or at all and your feelings will Must have mental maturity DO NOT PLAY TRADING GAMES When we get our feelings hurt it is because we allow our feelings to get be hurt hurt relationships have had they will start crying 12 Mr or Mrs Sensitive Always have to think about what to say so you do not hurt their feelings Because people are always orbiting them they are in charge of all the They use getting their feelings hurt to manipulate ever friendship they Act in an irresponsible and can get away with it because if you bring it up DO NOTHING act in a normal manner and do not alter what you are going to say to not hurt their feelings The person will stop being sensitive or they will go find another group of friends 13 Mr or Mrs Right Most difficult person of all They think they are never wrong Before you start pointing fingers though look in the mirror We think of ways to justify what we do no matter what How do we deal with ourselves 1 2 Think rationally when there is a problem figuratively step outside of your body and be objective about it Exercise you responsibility responsibility is the ability to respond however you want If you can master these things you can deal with anyone on this list and yourself NEED Large scantron Bubble in name On the front put your name 40 questions Dating guest speaker 1 Difficult …
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